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"For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common, too
Its a Sin,"

Upon arriving to the ball, Arabella felt a heavy weight in the pit of her stomach as the old man, her fiance, looped arms tightly with her.

Her escort.

Meaning she'd have to dance with this man, marry this man, go home with him-

Worst of all, stay by his side all night.

Tonight was supposed to be her escape.

But as they entered the party, her stormy eyes which were hidden behind her mask, dashed about the room for her lover. Everyone danced, laughed, chatted. Identities hiden behind their masks, but it wasnt hard for her to spot him. She knew him to well.

He wore all black, hair slicked back neatly, and a mask of such beauty, black with gold trim, it hid his face, but his vivid blue eyes stood out most of all to her though. A smile graced Arabellas lips and it wasnt long before his eyes caught hers to which he returned the smile because it wasnt hard for him to find her either.

For both of them it seemed like everyone disappeared from view for a few bliss moments as they admired each other from afar. After all their love affair had nothing to do with the rest of the world so it was only fair that they'd drown out the laughing and chatter and music around them. But that changed when Tobias finally caught a glimpse of Mr. Francis.

Mr. Francis, That pervy old bastard. He wasnt gentle with Arabella in the way he held her arm, he was rugged and old, and the way he looked at her disgusted Tobias. It was clear in the cold scowl that graced his face, although his mask hid it, Arabella could tell by the way he looked away.

"How about a dance my darling?" The old man whispered to her as a bit of his spit flew from his lips. She flinched.

"Oh, really id rather not-" Arabella began but his grip tightened on her causing the girl to yelp quietly from a bit of surprise. From the corner of Tobias' eye, he could see how purposely rough the man was handling her, and he didn't like it one bit.

She could only shoot Tobias and apologetic glance before bowing her head in submission and letting her fiance lead her to the dance floor.

He spun her around, and if it wasnt for the tight grip on her waist, she wouldve fell. His other hand gripped hers as he pulled her closer.

"Smile darling-" His raspy voice seemed irritated. Arabella didn't even notice that she had a frown yet she forced a small and hesitant smile. He danced her to the music and although she held a smile, it could fool no one on how dreadful she felt.

"Ah, Mr. Francis-" A familiar voice chimed in causing them to stop dancing. Arabella's smile was genuine as she looked up at Tobias who now stood before them. "How are you this evening?"

Tobias gritted through his teeth and although he wined and dined the man with friendly chatter, Arabella could see how much he despised the man through his eyes. She remained silently and submissive in trust of her lover.

Her fiance was slightly taken back by the man, not at all recognizing him, but then again Mr. Francis was a rich man and had met many people in his life. Perhaps he just didnt remember Tobias.

"Quite well good sir, and you?" Her fiance replied.

"Splendid. Thank you for attending my party and bringing your, well-?" Tobias looked to Arabella, clearly he was playing dumb.

"Fiance." Mr. Francis spoke frankly.

"Ah!" Tobias clasped his hands behind his back. "Fiance!" He said through gritted teeth. "Congratulations! Well you both are looking rather wonderful this evening. Would you mind if i had a dance with your fiance here?"

"Well-" Mr. Francis began but was cut off as Tobias took her hand and pulled her into him.

"Wonderful! Shall we?" He looked down on the pleased girl as she nodded, Mr. Francis stood baffled as Tobias spun her quickly away from him.

Once they were a good distance away and they saw Mr. Francis walk off to mingle, Arabella leaned in and spoke into Tobias ear.

"Thank you." She said hushly. It sent shivers down his spine at how inviting and warm her low voice was as he gently swayed her to the music.

"Didnt think id let him handle you like that did you?" Tobias spoke back just as hushly. "I dont like him." He said quite frank.

"Niether do I, believe me." She said as she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, lips grazed his skin and she took in his sweet scent.

"Ive missed you." He said.

"As have I." Her reply was quick. As if their words were playing a dance. Tobias met his brothers eyes from across the room as he danced her but looked away.

"Lets get out of here. Parties are a dreadful bore." He said.

Who was she to deny that tempting request?

"Theyll be wondering where i am-" Tobias cut her off.

"So? Let them wonder. " He fiercely spun her and dipped her with fire in his gaze as his sight caressed her neck and skin before meeting her eyes once more with a small smirk. "I'll hide you away and let them run around like mad dogs trying to find you. We can sit back, laugh, and watch as they attempt but, do not succeed."

Her eyes went wide with a childlike excitement before he braught her back up into him. Their lips were so close, it was risky to be like this out in the open, but her head swarmed and jealousy filled Tobias making him want to play risky.

Then she nodded in agreement.

"Hide me away then-" Her eyes trailed to his lips as she whispered. "Please."

He grinned and took her hand, bowing to kiss it before, leading her away, quickly they disappeared through the crowds of people and out the back doors of the building.

The air was cool, it was dark except for the moonlight that shone in a chilling tone. She smiled as he led her down a small path.

Tobias stopped and turned to her while backing up to lean against a tree. He slid off his mask, Arabella did the same.

"I'll be busy for a while-" He started. "since the hospital is opening. "

She frowned.

"But you know the path to get to me." He continued. "Come see me anytime you like-"

"Will you come over tonight?" She cut him off. "And stay with me?"

Tobias paused before nodding.

"Yes." His voice was hush. "Arabella?"

There was something sudden in his voice when he called her name. His brows furrowed and he bit his lip, with a slight quiver he asked-

"Do you think, well, when all has gotten better we could-" He hesitantly paused. "Run off?"

Arabella was taken back and paused. Nervously her heart raced.

"Run off?" She questioned.

"Yes-" He then fiddled with his hands and his voice got quiet as he looked away. "As in you and I. Go away together."

"But what about everyone, everything here?" She asked. "My family, your brother, the hospital-"

Quickly he spoke up.

"I dont care about any of that. I love you and i couldnt bear it if you married that pest-" He spat. Tobias took in a sharp breath. "I want you."

Arabella grew insanely silent. This stirred Tobias' nerves but felt a sense of relief when he saw the girl nod and pull off the engagement ring she had been forced to wear.

"You and I." She said promptly.

"Yes, You and I." He repeated with a smile.

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