Captain William "Cutthroat" Kalóz

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Name: William "Will" Kalóz


Village: The Sea

Occupation: Pirate Captain

Description: Will has a very kind heart, a real gentleman. However, he's still a Pirate, a nasty ruthless one at that when the time comes. You may be his friend, but if you stand in his way of pillaging a town, you've lost him completely.

Background: Will was born in Durnatel to his loving parents, Aubrianna and Jason Kalóz. Jason worked as a blacksmith, making some of the lands sturdiest and strongest swords. Aubrianna enjoyed staying home, caring for and protecting her newborn son. She was a greatly skilled fighter and an excellent swords woman. Not even the strongest man alive could beat Aubrianna in a sword fight. However, even that was not enough to truly protect little William. One night, Durnatel was attacked and pillaged by a frightening pirate crew, and despite the parents best efforts, their son was ripped from their hands and taken aboard the ship to work as a slave as soon as he could walk. For years, Will was raised on that ship, treated poorly but believed the crew was his family. He had been lied to and told that his father was a pirate and died during a pillaging. When he turned 13, he could stand the work load no longer and planned to murder the captain during the night. So while he served dinner, Will snuck away a knife and hid it in his sock. That night, Will snuck into the captain corridor whilst he slept, and slit his throat. Will dragged the dead body of the pirate out onto the main deck, blood staining the wood, and claimed himself the new captain. And so he became Cutthroat Will or just Cutthroat for short. Pirates told spooky stories of the young captain, who'd bite yer fingers off and feed them to the fishes without mercy. William sailed the seas, happily feared and soon found a mother figure. A smoke witch named Sahira. They lived together in a small shack in a swamp, William leaving on long trips out to sea on occasion. One day, when Will was 22, he and his crew stumbled upon a man, the same age as himself, a woman, and a vampire, sleeping on the beach just a few miles away from Arkala. The crew took the strangers aboard as prisoners and sailed out to sea again, planning on making the three walk the plank. However, the woman, who's name he now knew as Anaryllia, charmed him and he took a liking to the group. So he released them and joined them on a quest to kill the red dragon. After a successful journey, Will returned to his crew to sail the seas once more. Only to return to Patrick's kingdom, Kincardine, months later, to find his friend was sick and in need of help. Later, he encountered the assassin, Li-Mei, who despite attempting to kill his close friend, he took a strong romantic liking to. The same day, Anaryllia returned as well, and together, they headed to Olympus to cure Patrick's frozen heart. Throughout the journey, Will made multiple subtle attempts to get closer to Li-Mei. He was very successful. After curing their friend of his illness, Will went with Li-Mei back to her home for her challenge for head of the family against her murderous cousin. There, Will was unexpectedly reunited with his mother and father, discovering the truth of what happened to him and learning that his father was now working as the blacksmith for Li-Mei's family. Will eventually marries Li-Mei and together they sail with his crew.

Character rarity: middle. Somewhat common. Not very common. He's not a resident of Arkala but his ship ports their often. Exploring closer to the beach increases likelihood of meeting Will.

Picture: I know, that's Will from Pirates of the Caribbean played by Orlando Bloom. Very unoriginal of me, I apologize. He was created in literally seconds and was more of a joke character too. If I had more time it would've been different but it's not so you're just gonna have to live with it.

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