Viktor Vondrak

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Name: Viktor Vondrak

Age: 1,000+

Village: Arkala

Occupation: Vampire, leader of the "biters"

Description: Incredibly seductive, Viktor can get women (and on occasion, men) to do whatever he wants. Including sacrificing their own blood to him. Manipulative with the worst intentions, Viktor is not a vampire you'd like to cross paths with.

Background: Viktor was born a vampire after his older brother, Vladimir Vondrak, to Victoria and Vincent Vondrak. Growing up, he always fell short of his older brother's accomplishments and failed to gain praise from his parents. His failures made him angry and rebellious. Growing up, he hoped he would come to inherit the family castle in Arkala, but once again lost to his brother and was forced to move into a smaller home in the forest with his parents. Disappointed and annoyed by his living conditions, Viktor soon ran away from home to look for his own path. He traveled from village to village, seducing and attacking others for blood. He became feared amongst those who lived in villages he often attacked. Soon, vampires of the same nature began to befriend and follow Viktor in a gang. Some villagers have chosen to call this gang of vampires the "biters". Viktor was still resentful of his older brother and decided to travel back to Arkala to take away the castle. However,upon arrival, he found it empty and his brother did not return for days on end. So, Viktor settled himself and his friends into the castle, throwing large loud and reckless parties, destroying and vandalizing the property. On an unfortunate day, a traveler had gotten lost in Arkala and had stopped to ask for directions at the local pub. In a devious plan and an urge for a servant, Viktor offered to help the traveler and took him up to the castle, where the traveler would never be free again. Finally, Vlad returned along with some of his friends. Viktor allowed the group to stay at the castle for the night, as they were just passing through. However, he, and a member of the vampire gang, Jolene, snuck into two of the guests rooms and attempted to seduce and attack them. But to no success. Vlad stopped his brother and Jolene and left with his friends. Viktor now remains in the castle with his gang of vampires, still throwing large parties and terrorizing lonely travelers who happen to stumble upon the castle.

Character rarity: Somewhat common. Only common amongst those who are brave enough to explore territory. On occasion, found in the pub and sometimes the inn. Never in the bakery.

Picture: Google Images.

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