Alex Fur

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Name: Alex Fur

Age: 17, 600+

Village: Hells of Olympus

Occupation: Angel of Darkness

Description: Alex is known for her significant toughness. She's rough and tumble and has no time for bullshit. 

Background:  Alex was born in a small town just north of Arkala called Wigston. Wigston was not much better than Arkala. It was considered a dirty and run down old town. Only the dirt poor and criminals lived there. Alex was born to both her parents. They together struggled financially and had to commit certain crimes to survive. But the family had a very close bond. Her life of crime toughened Alex's skin and made her rough. But she met her demise at the young age of 17. Her house was attacked and she watched a tall man with a gold tooth murder her parents. On a quest for revenge, she stalked the man into a warehouse. To her misfortune, the man had a gang of thieves waiting inside. The men captured her and beheaded her. After she died, because of her life of crime from such an early age, Alex was sent to the Hells of Olympus, given black wings, and trained as an Angel of Darkness. In training, she'd meet her new best friend, Charlie Bates. Today, Alex continues to fight the war between Angels of Light and Angels of Darkness; happily serving Hades.

Character rarity: Somewhat Rare. The Hells of Olympus is a pretty popular part of Olympus. If you can get to Olympus. However, she's not a very popular character. More likely to meet her if you know Charlie.

Picture: Google Image

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