Charlie "Magnifico" Bates

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(Trigger warning: religion bashing (no disrespect to those who are religious, again this is just a creative choice), Abuse, suicide, slight self-harm (not entirely), pedophilia. If you wish for me to stray away from certain topics but still wish to interact with Charlie, please tell me beforehand. Proceed with reading this bio with caution.)

Name: Charlie "Magnifico" Bates

Age: 17, 600+

Village: Hells of Olympus

Occupation: Angel of Darkness

Description: Charlie definitely has a chip on his shoulder. Angry and angsty almost at all times. Though, he has a soft spot for mother figures. Any woman who takes him under his wing and cares for him suddenly has his full trust. Very loyal to those who earn it and very determined in his fights.

Background: Charlie was born in a town just Northwest of Arkala called Stanmore to both his parents. However, upon his birth, his father walked out on his mother and him, never to be seen again (he is a discoverable character though). As Charlie grew up, he started to hate his life. His mother was extremely strict and heavily religious. She believed in one God and put all her life in God. If Charlie did anything against God, he was punished by his mother. Charlie also was never the strongest kid on the playground and was often pushed around and bullied. When Charlie was 17, he hung himself and died. Today, his mother is still alive, living in Stanmore, spreading the word of God. As for Charlie's father, he's out there too. Somewhere in the woods, praising and worshipping the devil in a secret devil worshipping church. After Charlie died, he was sent to the Heavens of Olympus and was given white wings and became an Angel of Light. But Charlie hated it. It stood for everything his mother was for and Charlie hated her. Charlie's weapon of choice is two holy pocket knives. With these, he painfully sliced his wings off. But to his misfortune, they grew back as easily as hair. To relieve his hate of his wings, he began to tightly constrict his wings around his torso and hide them under his clothes, this however, causes him not to be able to use them if he falls of the clouds during battle, which sadly, happens often. This also causes damage and wilting of his weathers. Rumors began spreading about this rebellious angel around the Heavens and the last straw was pulled when Charlie threatened God (Zeus) himself. After the incident, Charlie was sent straight to the Hells of Olympus. His wings changed from white to black, except for a few small white spots on the top. He still constrains them and hides them, keeping them from healing and rendering them useless. Charlie began working as an Angel of Darkness, where he met his new best friend, Alex Fur. In training, he also met a demon named Faust. Faust took a great sexual liking in Charlie and Charlie was claimed as property of Faust. Hades himself also took the same liking to Charlie, however, not as as strong as Faust's. Faust began to stalk Charlie and tease him often. Faust is often responsible for finding and bringing Charlie back to Hell whenever Charlie falls off the clouds. Today, Charlie still fights in the war between Angels of Light and Angels of Darkness and often falls. 

Character rarity: Common. Charlie falls very often and will usually appear in Arkala.

Picture: The picture is of Logan Lerman, who yes, I am aware plays Charlie in Perks of Being a Wallflower, HOWEVER, Logan Lerman wasn't always the face for my OC, Charlie. Charlie was named before any pictures were found for him. Then, I found a fan art for a video game and liked the look. However, when the art was compared to the actual character, it appeared that the artist had drawn a younger version of the original video game character. But, I did notice that the fan art looked a lot like "the kid who played Percy Jackson in the movie". It wasn't till later, that I remembered he also played Charlie in Perks of Being a Wallflower (which is a huge coincidence since Ezra Miller is my muse for Hades. So there's plenty of content of Charlie and Hades together.)

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