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Name: Zeus

Age: 100,000+

Village: The Heavens of Olympus

Occupation: God and ruler of the Heavens

Description: Heroic and large. The heaviest chuckle in all the universe. Zeus is a benevolent ruler and wants good for all creatures. Could grant your every wish with the snap of his fingers.

Background: Zeus is one of three brothers. As the brothers came of age, they took a ruling over their own lands and ideologies. Zeus took the heavens while his brother Poseidon took the seas and Hades took the hells. Zeus believed in using kind hearted ideologies, peace and love, to rule his heavens. Very conflicting to his brother, Hades. As tradition goes, the three brothers had to fight to be the all powerful. The winner of such a gruesome battle became one with their element and would have great powers beyond those of the other brothers. Hades planned to gain the title of all powerful, so sure in his skill, but lost to his brother, Zeus. Zeus then became one with peace and air, taking the elements of the clouds. He now rules over the Heavens of Olympus. A peaceful resting place for tired souls. Hades, however, was not going to let Zeus go. Hades began training the damned sinners in the Hells of Olympus to fight, and dubbed them Angels of Darkness. Much to Zeus' frustration, as his peaceful land had been disrupted, Zeus began to train his resting souls and formed the Angels of Light. Now the two lands are at war, ultimately affecting weather...

Story time- The little girl looked up at the skies, sitting in the grass with her friends, one little boy and another little girl. She smiled. The sun was bright and warm, with a cool breeze blowing through. The sky spotted with white fluffy clouds. "My mother told me..." she spoke. "that when the sky is clear and the sun is shining... it means the Angels of Heaven are at peace and watching over to protect us." The little boy looked at his friend "then what are gray skies...?" 

Character rarity: Rare. Zeus is only available in Olympus. And most of the time, people don't go to Olympus to go to the heavens and it's very hard to get to Olympus. Only a few know how.

Picture: I found the picture on Pinterest, tbh.

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