Sahira The Smoke Witch

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Name: Sahira

Age: ???

Village: Cutthroat Island

Occupation: Smoke Witch

Description: A very motherly figure, Sahira takes pity on the hurt. Especially the young. She can be quite seductive despite her not all that attractive looks. A very good friend as she is extremely resourceful, knowing very well how to send and bring back people to Olympus.

Background: Sahira was born a with and learned how to use her magic through her mother. She grew up always wanting a child. However, her mother raised her to stay away from others not like them. One day, a pirate crew came ashore the island she lived on. From the bushes, she watched the pirates, watching them savagely execute a man. Distracted by the scene, Sahira's guard was dropped and she was seen by a young boy. Fearful, she put up an attack position, until she saw a large gash in the young boy's forehead. She quickly crouched to the boy's aid and the two remained in contact telepathically. It was Sahira who convinced William Kalóz to murder the pirate captain. Today, Sahira enjoys her time on Cutthroat Island and waits for her "son" to return to visit her.

Character rarity: Fairly common. One of the only ways to get to Olympus.

Picture: The picture's a character from the Pirates of the Caribbean series. However, I've only seen the first one so I have no idea who she is.

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