RP welcome and rules

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Hello! Welcome to Arkala! I am the creator and admin of the account, Christopher Gonzalez, I'm very thankful to meet you and that you've taken an interest in my "creation". A little about myself, I'm 19years old, soon to be 20. Im in a happy relationship. I've been role playing for about 6 years, maybe more. I'm not the best writer, but I consider myself a very good story creator and my grammar and spelling isn't bad at all. I've created many magnificent characters (well over 80) and work extremely hard on them. Arkala has been under construction for about 5-6 years. But it's always expanding!

No God Mobbing. I don't hate God Mobbers, and usually just work with them, however, I still find it INCREDIBLY annoying and will most likely not put very much effort into the role-play if you do decide to god mob. I don't mind if you throw in extra characters into my world (Ex. Blacksmith or employee in the pub) In fact, I encourage and greatly enjoy it! Some of my characters have special abilities, some don't have any at all, and I try to be fair on how and when these abilities are used. Please do not dictate how my characters are affected.

I will do sexual role-plays. You don't even really have to ask if I will beforehand. I don't want to attract a shit ton of sex role players, but for those of you who are sex role players and just so happen to have stumbled across my account, I don't mind your presence.

On that note, I want to put a warning that I AM 19, I am known for my fucked up background stories, I am also known for sometimes using sex to thicken the plot (Ex. Todd and Ophelia), and I am known for sometimes having very serious themes in my role-plays. If you're uncomfortable with any of that, please let me know. I do have a girlfriend with anxiety and a bad past with her best friend trying to kill himself via hanging and therefore she can not watch movies, tv shows, etc. that contains a hanging. I'm very respectful of triggers and if you would prefer I stray away from a certain topic, please give me a warning before hand.

I do have a life. A very busy one. I love role playing when I can, but keep in mind that while I'm home for summer, my parents are pretty strict and often don't let me look at my phone for too long. My dad also tends to make me do something productive every day. He's going back to work soon so I'll be able to freely do as I please again. My family also eats together during dinner. I am not allowed to leave until everyone has finished and I have cleaned the kitchen. I will not be available during those times. I ask that you be patient. I will get back to you as soon as I can. I also like to take healthy breaks from the internet from time to time. When I go back to college I'll have more me time. However, also keep in mind that I'm IN COLLEGE. I'm a music major, so on top of studying, I need to practice my instrument (Guitar, if any of you are interested). I may get caught up and busy with all that and may not be able to respond from time to time. However, I do like to look at my phone while I'm eating lunch. I also have a girlfriend that I spend a lot of time with and now even more since we're going to be living together this year. So she will also be taking my time. I'm also one of the only ones in my friend group with a car, so I often have to drive people and I am very against texting and driving. I'm trans (FTM) and a lot of my friends are gay, so we like to go out and do things so ill be gone at the times too. I'm a weed smoker (but mostly I take edibles) and probably won't be looking at my phone much while high. But I apologize if I do. I don't drink at all so that will never be a problem. I don't drink because I have depression and when I used to drink, I drank like a monster. 7 bottles of Smirnoff, didn't throw up, and didn't have a hangover. But I knew I was drinking cause of my depression. I do see a counselor for my depression and used to see a psychiatrist. I see the counselor about every 2 weeks, but during that time I will not be online. I will be online right BEFORE the appointment though. I stopped seeing the psychiatrist because the psychiatrist is the one who was prescribing me medication for my depression and we had a lot of problems. He would tell me to take my medication...I wouldn't... he'd ask me why not... Id say cause I didn't want to... he'd say I should... I say I know... meet again in 2 weeks... repeat. So I just stopped going. Because of that, my counselor may ask that I go again. If I do end up seeing him again, then that'll be even more time I spend in the counseling center, the less time I have for you guys. But that's my busy schedule.

If I feel I need to add anything, I will but for now, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for the support, I work really hard on my RPs, and I hope you all enjoy!

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