meeting in the snow

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"Strawberry Bell full power! "

ichigo shouted destroying a Predasites as the girls won another battle against the Cyniclons Dren , that makes it their tenth  battle this week, after transforming back to normal they all headed back to the cafe getting back to work (skipping on )when the cafe finally closed for the day everyone headed home for school the next day. Zoey arrived at school the next day as the there teacher told them they have a new student this caught her attention as a girl walked into the classroom wearing their school uniform she had tan skin, purple hair pulled up in buns and lavender eyes behind blue glasses.

 Zoey arrived at school the next day as the there teacher told them they have a new student this caught her attention as a girl walked into the classroom wearing their school uniform she had tan skin, purple hair pulled up in buns and lavender eye...

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"class please welcome tsume sakamea. is there anything you would want to share with the class?" the teacher asked her as she shyly looked down shaking her head, the teacher told her to sit on the far right of where Zoey was, and Zoey was happy seeing she might make the new friend today. once school ended Zoey went over to the new girl

tsume pov )

as tsume was putting away her stuff a girl with red hair walked up to her.

"hi there, I'm Zoey Hanson"

"Oh um, I'm tsume, but I'm sure you already know that," she said pushing up her glasses

"so, where are you from?"

"um ...I'm from Osaka but my mom wanted to move here because of my dad's company and a new shop my mom just opened"

"Wow, that sounds amazing where does your mom work at ?"

"uh...well ...I don't know yet, I haven't been there yet"

"Oh, well if you want, wanna come with me to this great cafe?" tsume thought about it for a minute and smiled

"sure "

"great !" the two girls left the school together as tsume followed Zoey to a cafe that said Café Mew Mew, tsume thought of it too girly but as they walked in she was right it was full of school girls.

"so what do you think?" Zoey asked

"it looks nice," tsume said try not to be rude as than a girl with blue hair pulled in the same style as her's, dressed in a blue Cafe outfit walked up to Zoey.

"Zoey, finally "

"whats wrong Corina ?"

"we need your help, today is a full house and we can't keep up with the orders and the service, so quickly get changed, "she said as she then looked to tsume.

"and you are?" she asked as tsume shyly looked down.

"this is my new friend tsume, she moved here from Osaka, I wanted her to see the cafe "

"that nice, but right now we need you," Corina said as she then walked away making Zoey sigh

"don't worry tsume, Corina isn't always mean , how about you sit here and I'll be back after things cool down ok "Zoey said leading her to a table as tsume nodded and watch as Zoey walked off, during the time tsume was reading a book until a plate of Cheesecake was placed in front of her, making her look up and see a girl with long, Purple hair and Dark purple-ish brown eyes, she was in a purple Cafe outfit.

"Zoey told me to give this to you, she said it in the house "

"Oh ..thank you, "tsume said trying to smile as the girl in purple just looked at her before she walked away.

(what was that about ?) tsume thought in her head as she looked back the cake then started to eat it. once things in the cafe started to die down Zoey walked over to were tsume was sitting and laid her head on the table.

"I'm soo tired !"tsume only giggled as she looked at her phone and saw how late it was and stood up

"I'm sorry Zoey but I have to go, "she said as she thanks her for the cake and left

Zoey pov )

once tsume left the cafe Elliot told Zoey to get back to work, once the cafe shut down Elliot called all the girls to the back and told them about there is a spotting of another Predasites. Zoey and the girl's transform as it was a bora Predasites. all their attacks didn't have much left on it and it was knocking them around, seeing how wild it was just when they thought it was over snow gently started to fall but it didn't look like snow it was like blue dust falling as it seems to have an effect on the Predasites making it cry in pain.

"what's ...going on?" ichigo asked as all of them as they watched the Predasites

"Look !"

Pudding said as she pointed to the building and on top stood a girl dressed in a white short off the shoulder, jumpsuit low cut sleeves with light blue lining, She has a white garter on her right thigh of the same color as her outfit ,She has a choker with her Mew Pendant hangs off of it. She has white gloves, and ankle boots with cuffs, thigh high white stocking, long white hair that reaches her thigh and white and icy blue spots leopard tail and ears.

 She has white gloves, and ankle boots with cuffs, thigh high white stocking, long white hair that reaches her thigh and white and icy blue spots leopard tail and ears

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"Is that ...."

Mint started as they gazed at the mysterious fighter as then she held out a white and blue ring then she threw it destroying the Predasites easily. dren wasn't happy as then left quickly when the girl shot him a glare, snow continued to fall as Zoey couldn't believe what she was seeing could this be another Mew Mew, she wanted to ask but before she could say anything the girl disappeared. by the next day the girls told Elliot and Wesley everything, they were shocked to find out that there was another person infused with an animal they didn't know who it could be , Elliot and Wesley check the cameras in the cafe and went by every footage but didn't see anything out of the ordinary and told the girl's to keep their eyes open if they see that mysterious mew. the next day as Zoey went to school and mark and was all happy as the 2 walked together, once there she then saw tsume under a tree reading a book, she told Mark she will see him later as she happily went over to tsume.

"Hey there tsume" Zoey said as tsume put her book down and looked up at Zoey

"Oh, hello Zoey"

"what are you reading ?"

"Uh ...nothing," tsume said closing the book and put it in her bag, as Zoey thought of this as weird but shook it off.

"anyway wanna hang out after school ?"

"Um sorry but I can't , I have help my mom with her new shop " she said as she stood up and started to walk away before Zoey could say anything the bell rang , Zoey went to class and thought maybe she's just pushing her luck with tsume , the girl just moved here and the last thing she wanted to do was scare her, other than that she wanted to know who was that white Mew with the ears, she was so lost in thought she got in trouble by the teacher for not paying attention. during lunch she saw tsume always by herself and didn't understand why even when she went over to her she wasn't very talkative, she always had a book in her hand, but she didn't see anything wrong with that, a lot of people liked to read, so after school Zoey headed to work after being asked out by mark.

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