battle plan

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I knocked down Ichigo along with mint and was about to hit pudding but was blasted by lettuce attack, but it wasn't strong enough to keep me down, I threw my weapon at her but it got knocked away by mew zukuro

"Let's go, you and me"

She said holding up her weapon, I heard drean telling me to be careful of her because she is the strongest on the team. But I wasn't too concerned. We both attack each other making Sparks fly, with every blow we attacked each other with it was like none of us were getting any damages

"You are strong"

I said with a smirk as she smirked as well

"But I think I'm done playing"

I said as I held up my chakra, after a couple of more rounds with the wolf girl I was able to knock her down but I grew exhausted after that fight with her

"It seems your Mew isn't as strong as mine"

He said laughing as I turned to him

"You promised, release my friends"

"Of course but you still need to do something else for me"

I didn't know whether to continue doing what he said in order to get my friends free or just blow it off and watch their fake be sealed, as of now I did exactly what he wanted me to do and that was to destroy the mews

"You never said that was the deal I fought for you now release my friends!"

"but I thought you didn't care about your friends?"

"Dren stop playing with me and give me back my friends"

"No, you still have to obey what I say or else you can watch your friend's demise"

I was pissed off that this guy wasn't letting up. I looked over to the mews ready for another fight I didn't want to fight them but I had to continue to make him believe that I was actually fighting for him

Wesley POV)

Wesley was able to find where the aliens were holding mew ice friends as he and Elliott got to work to set them free

"I don't understand why you're okay with helping this girl when clearly she doesn't want anything to do with us as soon as you set her friends free she's going to go back to the way it was before"

"I know that but I gave her my word that I would help her and I'm not going to break it and besides you already know why she's the way she is"

Wesley explained to Elliott only for Elliott to sigh

"If only she trusted us this wouldn't have happened"

"It doesn't matter if she trusted us then it would have still happened the only thing we need to focus on is getting her friends free"

Wesley said it took a while or so for them to finally get the girls free

"My head hurts what happened"

Mew Phoenix sad looking around until she and the others saw Wesley and Elliot getting ready to attack but Wesley was able to stop them before they can attack

"We're not here to hurt you, we came to set you free from Cyniclons"

"Yeah right like the time you kidnapped mew ice"

Mew batto said taking out her sword but mew rose stopped her

"He's telling the truth, I thought that he was out to hurt her but I saw that he was actually trying to help her"

"Fine, but I don't trust you not after what you did to me"

Mew batto said putting away her sword as she flew up into the sky along with Phoenix who followed after her

"Hold on do you even know where she is?!"

Elliott called out as mew rose nodded

"Don't worry we got this"

she said as she ran off following the two in the sky.

"let's hurry and meet up with them"

Elliott said as they rush to the car and drove off to where Zoey and the others were

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