the war

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After the tragedy that happened at the wedding, the two of them were in the car driving downtown as Wesley asked Tsume asked if she knew where David was, lucky for her before David left town they did keep in touch and headed there right away

They pulled up to a modern house as an army jump out of the car and knocked on the door, they waited for a while before the door open as they saw a man

"tsume? "

he said surprised allowing them to come in once inside tsume told him everything on what was going on and asked for his help on reviving angel

"I see that the Cyniclons have gotten better with their technology in order to put Angel in a sleeping state. blue aqua is exactly what she needs but you're also having problems with getting enough in order to stabilize her DNA"

"So will you help us, David?"

Tsume asked as he thought for a minute and got up and walked over to his counter and picked up a blue vial he handed it to tsume

"This is extra blue aqua that I have created, this is my very first creation of blue aqua that I have ever made I tried to recreate it that's so far this is the only one that has come out right, use this on you angel and if you guys need backup don't worry about that I'll look up some friends of mine to help you" David said

"Wait a minute there's more mews?"

Wesley asked Shocked as he only smiled at this, David allow them to spend the night at his place as they were looking up information and coming up with a plan on how they can stop the Cyniclons. By the next morning David And Wesley we're both getting acquainted with each other as tsume just listened in on their constipation. Half of the stuff she didn't really understand since they were both science guys and they were talking gibberish. An hour later the news came on saying the sky is turning black as ships were coming out and attacking people, the news report told everyone to stay indoors and protect themselves and clearly that wasn't really going to work, before the news reporter could say any more the reception got cut off as it showed the Cyniclons telling everyone to bow before them or die

"David...should I?"

Tsume asked keeping her eyes on the TV

" you know I can't stop you, go do what you feel is right"

David said as tsume nodded

"Wait tsume don't go"

"Westley I'll be fine, you know that....right"

"Even with your new power alone, you won't be able to beat a herd of Cyniclons alone. what about your team?"

Westley asked as tsume took out her power pendant

"I'm sure they're busy with holding them off where they are, it will take them away to long to get to me in time, I'm going alone"

And with that, she kissed her pendent transforming into mew ice


"Forget it, Westley, she made up your mind"

David said cutting Westley off

"How could you allow her to go into battle lone?!"

Westley asked as tsume headed to the door and opened it, Wesley was going to stop her but David didn't let him

"She'll be fine Wesley, you need to trust her and me.... I've worked with tsume and the others a long time before she met you. And I'm sure your mews will find a way to all come together to end this war"

David told him as Wesley sigh, he believed what David was saying was true but he couldn't help but to be worried about her

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