How it began

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As Wesley watched over tsume he kept asking himself how she got animal DNA, Wesley made sure that the machine reversed and fixed everything. he wanted to know who she was and how this happened


tsume called softly Wesley looked over to her and asked if she was okay as she didn't respond to that

"I'm sorry if all this happened and it's not your fault but mine I'm ready to tell you anything you want to know"

"You can tell me later you need to rest"

"You should know now, she told me I should tell you"

"She? As in angel?"

"Angel is the one that turned me and the others into this, don't get me wrong I hated it when I started but I began to love it as I saw it was a key for me to get away from problems I didn't wish to deal with. When I turn 15 that's where It happened when I lived in America, my parents would fight constantly and I couldn't do anything to stop it and I felt like it was my fault that they were fighting so much, one night I made a wish on a star for myself to disappear or to get away from the hatred in my life. My wish came true about a couple of days later except it wasn't the wish that I thought I would accept so willingly, that's how I met mew angel she was fighting some type of alien that had black hair. I don't know why but apparently he hates humans he tried to get rid of me but Angel wouldn't allow him to do so and since I refused to leave her side because of the situation she asked me if I wanted to help her I agreed and that's when she took me to her friend David who game me my pendant. I tried to return the pendant to her many times but she told me it was my responsibility not only to stop the aliens but to protect humankind, I thought this was a joke but I knew deep down that she was deadly serious and days later that's when I started to take my new life seriously. my parents, they got a divorce my mom and I moved away here "

"Tsume...Thank you for telling me but I need you to rest"

"Promise me that you don't hate me"

"Why would I hate you, there is nothing about you that I hate just because you were granted with a beautiful gift from an angel that help from you and you bravely took action and accepted your destiny how could I hate someone like you"

He told her as she started to cry thanking him for that

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