the fight for friends

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Westley POV)

Westley went back to his apartment and put mew ice into the little cat bed she was in at the cafe, he pets her feeling how soft she was, he was even surprised to hear her purr in her sleep

"Good night mew ice "

He said and went to bed, when he woke up he saw mew ice gone and panicked before he saw her sleep at the head of his pillow

"So you decide to join me last night "

He said giving her head a little scratch as her ear twitch but she stayed asleep. A little later Wesley was in the kitchen making some breakfast and was later joined by the little snowcat

"It's good to have you up mew ice"

He said to her with a smile as she gave a meow, he picked her up in his arms and held up a bottle of milk without hesitation she gobbled it down

"I have work to do so I see that you're feeling better I guess I should let you go"

He said as he was ready to kiss her but for some reason, she jumped out of his arms

"What's wrong don't you want to be turned back to normal"

He asked her and she only looked up to him so he figured that she wanted to stay like this for a little bit

"You can stay with me but since I have work I don't want you to run Into trouble"

He said as she gave a Happy meow

Mew ice POV)

Staying around Wesley wasn't so bad I watch him cook, clean the house and pretty much follow him around like an ordinary house cat, the part that I love the most was when he put me in a trolley to go shopping with him around the store, when people came to try to touch me I would either jump into the back of the basket to get away from them or hissed at them.

Once we left the grocery store he carried the items to the car and I followed behind him he opens the passenger door for me to get in as he got in and started to drive home

"You know you don't have to be so mean to people that just came out to you... I guess I shouldn't call you mew ice in public so I'll call you...Yuki"

He said as I tilted my head to the side at the nickname he gave me

"I'll only call you that in public after lunch I believe you should go"

He said as I didn't think he wanted to get rid of me so quickly. I knew the others might be worried about me but... Something was keeping me here.For a while now I've Ben with Westley night and day when he tries to make me leave I run and hide. He still couldn't tell why I wouldn't leave but I can even talk so I didn't bother trying. later the man name Elliot came by and saw me still with Westley

"She's still here! I thought she would be gone by now "

Elliot said looking at me as I was on the floor in the cat bed

"I tryed but she doesn't seem like she wants to leave, I'm not sure why though"

Westley said

"You have to mean it, here let me show you"

I felt myself get picked up, I came face to face with Elliot's blue eyes.

"You need to leave now mew ice "

He said as I tryed to get out of his grip, he walked to the door and opened it and dropped me out the door closing it. I knew I wasn't going to get back in after trying for a while I headed to Elisabeth house, who knew to take a walk as a cat was so good. It wasn't long until a black cat with pink eyes ran into me from being chased by a flock of birds. I helped her by scaring the birds away and she was thankful but I felt like I knew her

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