Meeting deep blue

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Mew girls pov)

mew bat and the other girls finally Caught up to mew ice and the new mew friend mew berry, mew pineapple explain everything to them, My phone went off as they got a call from Elliot telling them where to meet up with The Mew mew's the girl got going and found the group all together waiting for them near a Giant crater in the middle of the city

" glad that you came"

Ichigo said as mew ice and the other was told by mew lettuce about this area being infected by negative energy.

" all right then why don't we just get rid of this thing could have been in?"

Mew Phoenix asked as mew zakuro told them that they had to go inside of the hole to Purify it and to get rid of the Monsters that have infested the city.

" This will be our last battle so we might as well make it count," mew mint said Just before they can jump in they heard Elliott and Wesley call out to them Along with David, mew rose was the first to run up to him and hug him

"Girls this is the one chance opportunity if you go now not only will you be able to stop the Cyniclons But it's also very dangerous down there they could result in massive damage to your bodies."

"How long do we have?" mew rose asked

"Maybe 10 or 9 hours"

David said

"You're not sure?" mew ice asked him

"It's just unknown there, sorry but i know you girls can do it. Here take this before you go in"

David said handing the other girls blue little bottles

" don't tell me this is..." mew ice said as Wesley nodded.

" I know you don't want to use blue aqua mew ice but the fight that you girls are going to go into, you're going to need every drop"

Wesley said, as mew ice didn't like this but nodded thanking him, Tokyo mew mew group was the first to go as Ichigo jumped into the whole along with the other. Just as mew ice was going to jump in Wesley stop her telling her to return safe and sound, mew ice smiled and the girls jumped in.

Once inside the massive hole, they can see that it was very weird inside as they landed on the ground and saw that it was nothing but an empty void. mew Ichigo pointed off in the distance telling the others that the machine is what they have to destroy

" We need to hurry and get out before time runs out for" mew zakuro told them, Before they can get a move on dren and the other aliens appeared

" if you have a death wish girl I suggest you leave now"

the little one in the group name Tart said as mew pudding laughed at this telling them that they're surrounded and that they can't beat them, only for sardon to summon up a twisted version of a three-headed dragon.

Mew ice cursed under her breath knowing this wasn't going to end well

"Mew ice, your group have to end this, leave the dragon to us"

Mew Zakuro said as she didn't want to leave but nodded as she and her group did what they were told. They came to the end of the portal, they saw they were I'm some kind of ship with someone sitting in the chair

" Welcome lady's"

The guy said as the girls stand there ground

"You girls have short come a long way just to see me but now that you have I'm pretty sure what you believe will be coming to an end I'll be your own demise"

the guy said getting up from the throne. he has very pale skin, long jet black hair, His eyes are cold, aqua blue, and sharp. And wears dark blue attire he glared down at the girls with an evil smirk.

 And wears dark blue attire he glared down at the girls with an evil smirk

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" It's you?"

Mew ice said in shock. he then eyed mew ice for a minute before he started to take a step forward making the girls warn him if he takes another step they will attack but it seems that there warning was nothing.

" You asked for it!"

Mew Phoenix said as flu up

" Phoenix shot!"

She said shorting balls of fire from her fist at the guy but he easily stopped them and blew the out

" It is you"

Mew ice said as mew bato didn't understand at first but then she knew who she was talking about

" So your the rat we've been looking for...deep blue"

Bato said as she pulled out her sword

" Come any closer I will cut you down"

" Let's see what you got"

He said summing his sword and with fast speed, he ran past mew ice into mew batto as they burst threw the wall behind them. The other called to her

" Come on let's go"

Mew rose said as they ran threw the hole that was made as they came to a long hallway on both side of them. There was still holes in wall so they followed it deeper to come to a stop when not seeing there friend only the sound of swords clashing

" Batto!"

Mew rose cried put to her friend when not seeing here, mew ice couldn't believe this was happening. She thought she would be ready to fight this guy but just seeing him up close scared the life out of her.

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