cupcake helper!

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Tsume pov)

Tsume was at home sleeping in her dream she had a flashback of when mew angel was hit and how she was going to be next but made an escape. Her eyes opened as she sighs at the memory. By the next day, tsume was lost in thought at Mew cafe that she didn't touch the strawberry shortcake she ordered

"Tsume ?"She looked up seeing a worried Zoey

"I noticed you've been acting different lately, so if anything is bothering you I can help you," She said as tsume looked at her for a while then looked back at the cake

"You can't help me" She whispered

"What do you mean"

"Nothing, excuse me," She said as she got her bag and got up and walked away but Zoey stopped her

"Tsume please, stop running, I want to help you"

"There's nothing wrong ...I'm just tired"Tsume said but it was clear that Zoey didn't believe her but let her go allowing her to go, as tsume was walking home she felt like someone was watching her but didn't see anything she made her way to the park only to run into a guy with long brown hair ties into a ponytail. He has hazel/grey eyes.

"Sorry, are you ok?"He asked as she nodded

"Your tsume, Zoey's friend right ?"

"Uh yeah...sorry about your stuff I'll help you," She said picking up the cooking supplies

"Thank you, I was just on my way back to the cafe to make a new cake "

"wait you work at this cafe?"

"sure do, would you care to join me in making somthing ?"

"No thanks, I uh....have to go, my mom is waiting for me," She said handing him the stuff and ran off, tsume met Crissy and the other's as they talked about the next location to find blue aqua

"This isn't going the way we planned tsume maybe we should talk to those other mews "

"If you want to go im not stopping you but I won't"

"Why not ?"

"Because...I don't trust them"

"Well...we can try again but after a while, there finding blue aqua faster then we are "

"I know but we still have to try,

"I went to go see her and saw Elizabeth there, she said the light is draining, Tonight we can't fail"

Tsume said as Crissy nodded

Westley POV)

Westley was making cakes in the cafe for the customers to enjoy but then something catches his eye as he saw Zoey's friend tsume sitting alone lost in thought, he saw she was sad and wonder why until Zoey went over to her

"Hey, Westley did you get those cake pan's you ordered?"

Elliot asked as he looked at him

"Yeah just let me go get them"

He said as he heard out of the cafe to his car, as he was carrying the box of cake pans back into the cafe someone bumped into him, he saw that it was Zoey's friend she apologized for bumping into him and left. Once it was closing time in the cafe Westley went over to Zoey

"Zoey can I asked you something?"

"Sure, what's up"

"Your friend tsume is uh, is she ok?"

"Huh, tsume, well now that you mention it I don't know, she won't tell me what's wrong and she seems more and more unhappy"

"Maybe there's something I can do"

Westley said as the next day he waited for school to end as he saw tsume walking out

"Excuse me tsume"

He called as she looked at him

"Uh yes"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you, my name is Westley and I need help at the cafe today, I asked Zoey if she can help but she is off on a date"

"I see...uh I guess I can help for a little while"

She said as he smiled and off to the cafe they went, once there he had her in the back and held up three different ingredients for a cake

"you see at this time the cafe is going to be swarming with customers so I don't know which ingredient I should make to please them, they like all three but should I make all three which will take hours or should I just make one?"

Westley asked her as he watched as she thought for a moment she picked up the ingredients looking at them and then smiled to herself

"Mind if I try something?"

"Not at all have the kitchen all to yourself"

He said as he left the kitchen an hour later he came back being drawn by a sweet smell as he saw her just putting the finishing touches on a cake

"Wow, that looks lovely mind if I have a taste?"


He asked her, she nodded he took a slice of the cake and took a bite and was surprised how delicious it was

"This is the most delicious cake that I ever tasted in my whole entire life, what is it that you called a cake?"

"It doesn't really have a name I just decided to mix all three ingredients together to make something like this and I hope you don't mind but I made little macaroons to"

She said pointing to the tray of perfectly stacked macaroons in all different colors, Westley took a bite out of one of the macaroons that were also delicious

"You, my friend, are one good chef"

Wesley said praising her a tsume giggle

"Thank you but if I must be praise it should be going to my mother she's the one who taught me how to bake"

"Well then hats off to the main chef in your honor"

He said with a bow as she smiled

"Well I should be going there now"

"Hold on, would you mind staying a little bit more and helping with service hours?"

"Are you sure that's a good idea I mean I don't even work here"

"Well you did make the cake and the macaroons, so would you like to work here?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea"

"Zoey told me a lot about you, she speaks very highly of you and she's been worried about you too so I wouldn't mind giving you a job if that's going to lift your spirit"

"Lift my spirit? No no, it has nothing to do with a job I actually work at my mom's Cafe"

" you work in a cafe? What is the name of your mother's Cafe?"

"I'm sure you heard of it, it's the new one that just opened a week ago called the Elemental Cafe"

"Oh yes the elemental Cafe I've heard of their cakes are rather delicious very hard to compete against"

"We didn't come here to compete and no I am not a spy either"

"I can tell you're not the type  but if you have to go please take some of your hard work with you"

He said bagging some of the macarons and handing it to her

"Thank you, Wesley, It was nice meeting you and please tell Zoey thank you for her concern but I am fine"

She said as she waved to him and left, once gone Zoey and the others came from the back

"How did it go?"

Zoey asked

"It actually went pretty well she's a skilled Baker but she says that she is fine and she  thanks you for your concern"

Wesley told her as Zoey sighs

"She always says that" 

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