a cats life

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Rewind Elizabeth pov)

After the fight with tsume and the others, she sat at the computer watching Angel and the camera around town, she grown board trying to protect this town and wanted to do what she wanted but she never thought she would be welcomed by a group of friends she could actually call friends. Then the door opened she turn her chair around to see sani and Chrissy hurt

"What happened?"

She asked jumping out of the chair and helping them on another bed that was there

"Dren caught us all by surprise and bombed us, we couldn't get away in time and lost the blue aqua to him"

Sani said grunting as she held her side

"wheres tsume?"

"We don't know, we all separated when the mew mews came"

crissy said as Elizabeth's eyes grew in worry she rushed back to the computer and started searching the cameras for tsume, she then spotted one camera that had a guy carrying her in a car that drove off to a cafe

"They took her!"

Elizabeth said angrily as she bangs her fist on the keyboard

"We're sorry, we didn't know"

Sani said as Elizabeth turn to them and pressed a button as an old man came dressed in a Butler's outfit

"You called me Miss Elizabeth?"

"Ten to my friends I'll be right back"

She said going into a safe and press a code that opened up revealing her Power pendant.

"You can't go by yourself"

Sani said

"You two are too hurt to go anywhere I'll be fine on my own"

She said that she took her power pendant out of the safe and headed up the stairs, she didn't think that she would ever want to transform again after the last time she promised herself that this would be the last time she ever entered a battle but now it was personal

She came to the roof of her Mansion holding the pendant in her hand as she gave it a kiss activating it as she transformed, she spread her bat wings and took flight into the air heading to the location of the cafe

Westley POV )

Elliot and Wesley looked at each other and nodded

"We mean you no harm, what is it you want?"

Elliot asked holding his hands up

"I want my friend! Give her back!"

She said angrily, they knew that she was talking about mew ice but had an idea.

"please listen your friend is hurt badly and were just trying to..."

Westly tried to explain but mew bat cut him off

"let me worry about that take me to mew ice right now!"

"fine, follow me," Elliot said

"Nice try, I wasn't born yesterday the both of you are going to take me to her right now"

She said as they did what she asked, they entered the room we're mew ice was

"Mew ice, are you ok?"

The mew bat asked coming to her side as she didn't see Wesley take out a remote pressing it making an alarm go off, the mew dropped through a secret compartment through the floor screaming as she then found herself in a tube that she couldn't break out of

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