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The next day when Wesley was shopping he saw tsume shopping and went to go say hi

"Hi tsume, fancy meeting you here"

"Oh Westley hi nice seeing you again"

"Doing some shopping?"

"Yes I am, for the cafe of course"

"Well we could use your help if you're not too busy"

"Are you really trying to get me to help you or are you trying to steal me away from my mother?"

Wesley laugh as tsume laughed as well, once done with the shopping the two left the store together talking about new ideas for sweet's

"If you want I can try some out and see how the cake will turn now and not try to poison my mom with my weird experiments"

Tsume said referring to a cake idea she had of red velvet

"Sure I would be glad to taste your cakes"

"Thanks, I'll be seeing you"

Tsume said but before Wesley left he saw one of the aliens behind Tsume she saw the look of fear on his face as she was snagged by one of them dropping her groceries and flying off with her screaming


Wesley tried his best to catch up to her but it was no use he quickly dialed Zoey and the others and told them what happened

Tsume pov)

"Let me go you alien scum!!"

"Be nice snow kitty or else I'll drop you"

Dren said making tsume stop squirming when she heard him call her that, how did he know that she was Mew ice. He put her down on top of a tall building and stood in front of her hovering

"How did you know?"

tsume asked in a serious tone

"It's obvious really besides that Pink Kitty, I had to know mew ice first and of course, I saw you transform once, and what a surprise that my cold-hearted ice Kitty is the geeky girl in school"


She growled under her breath as he lifted her chin with his finger

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way?"

"What do you want?" she asked him pushing his hand away

"I want to know more about this Mew Angel you keep talking about and why you are trying so hard to collect Blue Aqua?"

"Like hell, I'm going to tell you!"

"You're not going to tell me even if I ask nicely?"

"You're a joke, go away, I don't have time for you"

"Really because I do, seeing that everyone in town is sooner going to be swept away by my new-found friend"

He said showing a lizard Predasites walking through the town as people were screaming

"So what are you going to do now mew ice? are you going to transform and save everybody or are you going to do exactly what I say?"

"Neither I don't care what you do to this town"

I said turning away from him

"Wow you are cold as ice but I bet I can make you change your mind"

He said as he snapped his fingers as tsume saw Westley unconscious being held by a jellyfish Predasite

"Westley! Let him go!"

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