The final battle

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The mew  didn't know how to find their friends as the sound of clashing swords came to an end to them as they saw deep blue standing there still with the sword in hand

" you bastard what did you do to Mew batto!?"

Mew rose questioned the man  didn't say anything only to prepare for another battle as he rushed at them again, making mew Phoenix take the Direct Hit as he blasted her with Electric energy, she tried to counter it  but her Firepower wasn't enough to push it back  and was hit 

" stop it!!!"

Mew ice  screamed making him turn to look at her

" such a fragile creature. You're no different than the first one I had to get rid of"

He said coldly; mew rose and Stood Beside her friend as she told her to get ready for him to attack. Mew Ice had to pull herself together and fight this guy, or else they'd all be killed; she took out her chakram, Waiting for him to attack. he blasted them with fire attack it as he teleported behind Mew Rose and kicked her, sending her away. From mew ice.

Mew ice tossed her chakram At Deep Blue by sending it back to her which she caught.

" is that all your little toy can muster?"

" you're going to wish you never met us!"

Mew ice said as Mew Rose shouted. 

"  crossbow rosary!" shooting multiple arrows at Deep Blue the attack and went after her but stopped in mid-air by mew ice attack.  he clearly saw what they were doing but wasn't going to fall for it but made it believed that he was when the two of them strong and attacked together, teleporting and down Mew Rose before he got his hands on Mew ice. his hand around her throat tightly, making her struggle to break free but couldn't

"If only you were smart enough not to come here alone then maybe you and your friends would have still been alive, but I  Harley doubted you can beat me and your pathetic friends will all be history"

 he said squeezing her throat tighter she started to lose consciousness

" pineapple junga!"

 shouted a voice as golden orbs fell from the sky. Deep blue let go of mew ice to get away from the attack, seeing there stood a mew in gold and one in red.

" How do you like that big guy, want some more?!"

Mew pine asked while holding up her tambourine

"How did you guys get here?"

Mew ice asked 

"We decided to come and help you, we knew that you will be facing this guy and know that you guys would need all the help you can get"

Mew Berry said as new ice thanked them

" But my friends"

" We have more important things to worry about. We're running out of time if we don't stop this guy then we will die!"

Mew pine said as new ice nodded, she wanted to get revenge for what deep blue did to mew angel. And this was not time for her to be a coward.

"I understand, all right you two created a diversion and leave the rest of me"

Mew ice said as pine and berry nodded and both attacked deep blue. Deep blue blasted them with an electric beam  at mew berry as she used her fan to blow it away

"  Mew berry! Hurricane wind!"

She shouted creating a Red tornado, deep blue thinking it was nothing was wrong, the strong winds were actually blades that started to cut him everywhere.

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