My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 3~}

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  A little narrator to viewer this is an omega, and alpha also beta. Tom - Omega, Matt- Omega, Tord - Alpha, Edd - Alpha. Patryk - Alpha, Paul -Omega, Tamara - Omega.  

~6 days later~

Tom has been in heat nearly all week but it was painful, and he held onto Tord's red hoodie so he could sleep most of the night. When it came to the 6th day, and 6th night, he had very little control of himself but also no where he can roam a little in the house he just couldn't be around very long. Tom pasted out half way into his monster/heat form. He was under the blankets. His head is barley under the blankets as his tale is out, and Tam was standing out the door keeping anyone from seeing Tom in that form whale he is drunk. She slightly wobbles standing at the door, giggling once in while giggling. Then someone, with a red hood stood in front of Tam.

"Excuse me! I need to get to bed" Tord crossed his arms.

"S-sorry nuu can do." She giggled, smiling.

"Why? This is my room too!Can I go to bed, now" he tried to push her out of the way but she stood still.

"Nope, Tommy Wommy is asleeping, and he doesn't need the red huudie friend dare"she gentle pushes him.

"Wtf, let me go to bed"

"sweep on the couch, tommy wommy needs to sleep, and be alune." she giggles pushing him away from the room. "you will do as tuld, and leave my Tommy Wommy alune."

"wait your Tommy wommy, who do you think you are??"

"His bestie, not yours" Then Tord fell over on the couch and grunted, and Tam giggled.

"what the heck is wrong with you!" Tord sat up on the couch and looked at Tam.

"nuthing, just a little bit drunk" Tamara giggles more. "but tommy needs his restie bestie" she smiled.

"how drunk are you? Tord looked at her

"I am nut that drunk, well maybe a little" She giggle more. 

"Tara" Tom came out of his room yawning as the heat comes off him. "I want more, smernoff"

"what the h**." Tord looked at Tom blushing.

"Tummy back to bed, teachers already knuw just stay in your room. more will cume." Tam went over to Tom, trying to push Tom back to his room, but Tom saw Tord.

"ah..tordy" he lean'd on Tam as he being pushed to his room. "hehe, tordy luuked cute confuzled." He flopped on his bed.

"I knuw, but you need sleep. Sissy will be at the door, and tomorrow more smernoff will come."

(I hate myself, for writing that. I cringed the entire time,anyways)

Tord gotten up and headed to his bedroom door, then started to smell, and omega in heat."is he okay?" Tords face is still red, and blushing.

"" tom slightly faced him, smiling.

"oh, tord's here" Tam turned then walked over to block Tord's vistion to see Tom. "sorry yoo can't be here..Tommy needs his rest and I promised him no Alpha past this point. Not even his friends, only m-mwa" she pushed him out and closed the door behind her. "please understand that he wanted this, if I disobey him then I will lose him."

"what the h** are you talking about? this is my room, and you suddenly make the rules around here, and say 'oh Tommy says so' yeah right."

"it is true, I..I may be a little drunk but he will not get harmed by an Alpha, even if that is his soulmate. I will not allow as long as he says so. if he says it drunk then I still must obey him, he is...I love him so I must do that for him."

"your an Omega, a tamed omega, you have no part in saying. And to let you know the Alpha run the house not the omega."

"but us omega's make your baby's, and Thomas, will not allow such Alpha to treat him like that. I may be an omega, but I will follow rules unlike you. YOU will stay away from will stay away from Thomas, until he is ready for something and I alone will know but for the rest of his life he will not be harmed as long as I live"

"then maybe you shouldn't live" Tord pulled out a knife.

The door opened just in time and Tom sees the knife so he stands in front of Tamara.

"Nu,you will not hurt Tara" his arms stretch out like a 't'.

"get out of the way tom, she must be eliminated."

"Tommy, please go back to bed you'll only make it worse if you around him" she whispered in his ear.

"but tara..." he looked at his sister then at tord. "please don't hurt my sister tordy" a few tears went down on his face.

"wait this is your sister?" he points the knife at her.

"thomas, you must rest, you made me promise..." she grabbed Tom, and tried to pull back into the room.

"what the H**, why are you keeping him from saying anything."


"I AM...."

"guys quiet down, you will make the concealer come and get us" Edd broke between them. "so what the h** is going on?"

"she, she started it, and so did he" Tord point at them both.

"we started it, you, I warned you to stay away. this is your fault." Tam protected tom.

"stup it guys," Tom stood beside Edd, a little drunk. "it is my will you just stop it" he put his hand on his head get a headache." please, stop...Tara" he looked at his sister, then looked at Tord. "Tordy..please stop, she is only hure because I need her."

"the tell us who the f*** she is." Tord demanded. 

"She, is my twinny, now can I go to bed, before I " He moaned a little, which almost made him fall. But he grabbed his stomach.

"Tommy" Tamara gotten on her knees grabbing Thomas, but he pushed her away. 

"I..I am fine...just st-stay buck." he huff trying to breath. The Tord gotten on his knees grabbing Tom's hand. Tom lean'd against Tord breathing heavier. 

"Tom, what are you d-doing?" Tord started to get flustered. 

".." Tom didn't move away from Tord, nor answer. 

"thomas, y-you need you rest.." Tam grabbed Tom as he grumbled, he was picked up and Tam carried him to his bed without having a problem. 

"Tord are you okay?" Edd looked at Tord who is still on the ground.

"Uh..yea" Tord stands up and starts to walk away. "I am going to do something, Be back...soon" He left the dorm room. 

My Omega/AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang