My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 9~}

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"Hey Man" Tamara high fived Tord.

"Hey Tam, glad you could make it..Tom will be happy to see ya after a year" Tord invited Tamara inside the house.

"My brother is always happy to see me, and I have a question? Did you and him d-"

"No, Tam...I never hurted him...but we do fight a lot that is one thing to keep our distance"

"Dude, I know the last time we saw each other I yelled and I am sorry about that but Tom only talks about you, I know one day it will happen but not soon"

"Dependable...anyways let me take you to Tom" Tord smiled and they walked threw the house to Tom's room and Tord knocked.

"GO AWAY COMMIE" Tom yelled.

"Tom, I am not here to talk I want you to see someone!" Tord said cheerfully

"Leave me alone Tord, Whatever you want I am not coming out!!"

"Thomas, you really don't want to see your favorite person in the entire word" Tamara spoke and Tord turned his head to see her smile.

"TAMARA" Tom gotten off his bed dropping things on the floor, Tord moved out of the way, and Tom's Door opened to see him smile and he hugged Tam and she hugged back. Tord realized that they are the same height, he chuckled a little, then saw them un-hug. "how are you here?" His smiled, gentle and sweet.

"Tord called me, and I came..he wanted to give you an early present, on present day!" {I did my research on Tom, and what he celebrated.}

"Wait, Tord brought you here" Tom looked at Tord who is leaning on the wall, and he nodded to give a confirm nod on what she said. "Thank you Tord" Tom walked over to Tord and hugged him, which shocked Tord, and he hugged back.

"No problem Jehovah" Tord smiled and Tamara giggled in a shipping moment. For a moment it was wonderful they didn't want this feeling to go away but Tom un-hugged him and went to his sister pulling her into his room closing the door leaving Tord outside..'well he is atleast happy' Tord walked away from Tom's door a little happy.

~with Tom and Tamara~

"So, what does Tord want?" Tom looked at his sister as he sits on his bed.

"Nothing, he just called and said and I quote 'hey, would you like to come over for the holidays, it could make Tom happy..' And I accepted and we talked for a little and now we are good pals, not friend just pals. Or gals." Tamara giggled to herself.

"He just want me happy?? We hate each other what in the h**" Tom looked confused as he trys and figures why the commie would do something like this. Tamara got him out of his train of thought but sitting next to him.

"..Thomas what is going on?.."

"N-nothing, just thinking"

"About Tordyy~" she said making Tom blush.

"What no! I would never think of that commie..." Tom looked away from her and at the ground.."maybe I am.." He knows he couldn't fight his sister, becayse she would win. {Girl power, sorry to all the men that read this you are strong as well but I never get a lot of girl power into things} She smiled at what he said.

"Well, for them on Christmas, they do have a mistletoe and you have until then to kiss him and the let it go on, plus you will go in heat very soon" She leaned back a little.

"How do you know that!" Tom looked at Tamara.

"The communist, when we were talking he told me the times you gone in heat, 2 months ago so this month you will go in heat, that is also another reason why he brought me..." She smerked.

"..he did that..but huh?"

"Tom, I told him about our promise, and he understood, so he promised me to never harm you unless you say so, when you are normal and soder. Not drinking and in heat."

"Wow. I never knew that..wait are you just making that commie sound nicer to just making him do it already." He gave a flat face to Tamara.

"No, I truly would never. He told me and I questioned him and it is all true he did that. He left anytime your in heat, and he kept his distance not to do any harm besides your fights..I heard about that I am proud that my brother hit someone really hard in the gron" she snickered, and made Tom chuckle.

"So, man I am suck a d***" Tom covered his face.

"Yeap, both you and Tord " Tamara hugged Tom, he lean'd on her trying to calm down.

"I still feel like I am in collage, I still like him...but now it's just that..we fight but I him.."

"It is okay, when me and my girlfriend had done that we first fought untill one day I kissed her and we done it. We confesed our feelings and from then on we dated."

"You never told me about your girlfriend..."

"Because that is my life not yours noise picker."

"I am not a noise picker" Tom gotten off her, and crossed his arms upset.

Tamara laughed and Tom joined in laughing.

~With Tord~

Tord went to the living room where Edd and Matt are, and they are talking about something and I walked over and joi ed in and we laughed our butts off about random things.

~Time skip~

20 days later, Tom already went in heat and it went by. {Sorry ya'll not going to see that but anyways} Tom had burned the tree down a few time until they had an agreement, after christmas is over we will let you burn the tree down and he agreed to Tom had to wait 5 more days, he tries not to burn it down, so he distracks himself, by fighting Tord.

"Commie what are you doing, are you reading that stupid hentai stuff again"

"Yes, Thomas I am. Why do you care?" Tord looked over the hentai to look at Tom.

"I don't, isn't that just garbage" Tom crosses his arms.

"It is not garbage, it is a master piece that you will not understand." Tord gets up off the couch and looks at Tom .

"Try me b*****"

"Oh your on" They started to fight verbal then it was the hands that did the talking.

{Okay just to let you know where the others are...the mall}

They fought to where Tom was aginst a wall and Tord had him pined.

"Give up Jehovah?"

"Never commie." Tom spat at Tord.

"Thomas, lets not do this because the others will just get mad at us." Tord let go of Tom and started to walk away.

"No you don't want to fight! Hahab I am the champion then"

"Whatever" Tord looked at Tom. "So Champion what is your prise."
Tord rolled his eyes.

"You" Tom grabbed onto Tord and pulled him into a kiss. It was sending fire works into the air. Tord was first suprised but then kissed back holding Tom close to his body. Tom put s his arms around Tord' neck, then licked Tords lips for him to enter in and Tord accepted, they hit the wall where Tom was pinned, making out. They seperated to get some air, the only thing that connected them was the salive that is connected.

"A-are you drunk?" Tord studdered which he hated. Tom shock his head no, then they went for round 2 in make out lane.

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