Chapter 1

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IM CAITLYN, the writer of this...thing...


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Savannah Ruth! Get down here this instant, Kalie and Nickie are here!", my grandma shouted.

I had gotten used to her morning alarms.

Well I guess I should explain why my grandma is waking me up.

Let me be blunt; my parents died in a plane crash, on their way to save kids in Africa because they were in the peace core. I was 10 when it happened.

So I've lived with my grandma ever since.

My grandfather isn't in the picture, he also died a little while back.

So this wonderful morning alarm, wasn't unusual.

As I grabbed my white skinny jeans, and slipped on my blue button down. I couldn't help but think of breakfast.

What can I say? I love food. Food loves me. Our relationship isn't all that complicated.

When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I kissed my grandmother goodbye and shoved a few peices of bacon in my mouth. Obnoxious, I know.

I left the house and waltzed out to Kalie's car, a black and silver Audi. Yes, Kalie's rich. We kinda all are. But here it's normal.

Kalie was 5'6, blonde haired, hazel eyes, curvy and just over all gorgeous. Nickie however was just the opposite. She has, black, waist length hair, striking blue eyes, and a very voluptuous body. And then there's me. I'm 5'8 (the tallest of our group) and my shoulder length, dirty blonde hair, that resembled an afro because of my curls had nothing on them. I was sporting some greenish gray eyes. What a cute combination, I know. Thanks mom.

I reached for the passenger side door, they kept it open for me as usual. That's why I love Kalie and Nickie. They know how weird I am about sitting in the backseat and how carsick I get.

Kalie was arguing with Nickie when I got inside. Their heads snapped up quickly as I got in. But they continued to argue.

please shoot me now.

It was the 4th week of school in senior year. And we carpool everyday together. But so far schools been the usual. Kalie, Nickie and I being our smart selves, we were all in advanced classes. We weren't exactly nerds, but we were smart and we stayed hidden in high school. That's how we liked it.

Back to reality; we arrived at school and I couldn't help but feel like today would be totally different even though school started weeks ago.


I heard someone yell my nickname as I exited the car; only a few people called me that.

I turned around just in time to see Nickie's twin brother, Dylan, jumping through the air at me.

Dylan was like my big brother. He treated me like his little sister, and he would beat up anyone who bullied me. Not that anyone dared to, Dylan was a football player.

Dylan, much like his sister, had black tousled hair, and bright blue eyes that had girls fainting on the spot.

Back to reality, Dylan tackled me to the ground, and gave me a nougie.

I slapped his hand away from my hair. And his idiot friends, just laughed.

Right when I was about to scream at them all, Nickie was already punching Dylan. That resulted in him letting me go, thank god.

And then his friend Andrew popped up behind him and hugged me. Andrew was also a good friend of mine, they were both likemy brothers.

We parted ways as we walked into school, and I had just taken my phone out of my pocket, when all of a sudden, a gigantic wall of fabric and cologne rammed into me, and had me falling into Nickie and Kalie and then all three of us toppled to the floor.

"Watch where your going!" Kalie, Nickie, and I all screamed at the wall that had knocked us down.

Looking up I saw someone, or should I say a group of someone's, that made the blood drain from my face.

The school bad boys.

Braxton Gregory, Brylon Stone, and Ricky Graham.

Braxton: Dark brown hair, athletic, and leader of the three. dark blue stormy eyes. Doesn't care about anyone except maybe his friends, and is the schools biggest heartthrob. Basically one of those 'smash and dash' guys.

Brylon: Bleach blonde haired, blue eyes, very attractive, another bad boy heart throb, flirt. Also doesn't "notice" the heart break he causes.

Ricky: Light Brown shaggy hair, rock hard abs, panty dropping smile, dazzling green eyes. Jokester of the the three, but he's also a heartbreaker.

They looked at something behind us for two seconds before Brylon looked down and saw the damage they'd done. Brylon quickly helped us up.

"What the heck was that!?" I asked the boys.

"Well maybe I-" Ricky started

Braxton cutt off whatever Ricky was going to say, with an apology.

"Sorry we weren't looking where we were going. And I'm pretty sure your at fault too, you rammed into us." Braxton stated.

"Are you serious? You weren't the ones on the floor." I groaned.

Kalie was glaring intently at Ricky while Nickie was too busy smiling at a smirking Brylon, to scold us for being so rude to the people who could ruin us.

Braxton smirked at me. "Well princess, I'm sorry but we'll have to continue this later. You've got to get to class and we've got to leave. "

Brylon kissed Nickie's hand, Ricky sneered at Kalie, and I flipped all of them off as we walked In different directions.

It wasn't as if we didn't have classes with them. We had practically all our classes with them. But we also had all of our classes together. Except for first. So we parted ways, And agreed to talk about what happened during lunch.

Cliche sucks.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя