Chapyer 18

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So, I went to Starbucks after school right, and when we got up to the window my mom's like I forgot my purse.

Now I had 100 BUCKS in my bra for reasons exactly like this one, and I pull it out and I'm like I'm the superhero bow down, and she TOLD THE GUY AT THE WINDOW I HAD BOOB MONEY.

His response was; Thats a convenient place for it. After he laughed for about five minutes.

I can't ever go through the drive through at Starbucks ever again.

The embarrassment is too strong.

And the picture above is of my friends conversation with me after she abandoned me in the cafeteria. I walked into the bathroom and yelled; "People! WE HAVE A PROBLEM! IMAGINE NEEDS TOILET PAPER!" and then of course everyone yelled at me to be quiet because NO one had to, so yeah.


Braxton's P.O.V.

I woke up Sunday morning and texted Savannah.

I can't believe she's my girlfriend. How did I get so lucky?

She's such a good person. I'm..not. I don't deserve her.

She didn't answer my message all day, which was sort of weird so I called her at 12:00.

She didn't answer that either.

I called Brylon and Ricky to tell them to ask her friends if they could get a hold of her.

They couldn't either.

That's when I got worried.

But I figured if anything was wrong we would know right? Her grandma came back tommorow so she's probably getting the house prepared.

That's what I kept telling myself.

But when I went to sleep Sunday night, something was wrong. I could feel it in my heart. It was aching for her. I brushed it off though, I through I was just experiencing some feelings for her that were epic.

It wasn't.

I woke up Monday morning and thought maybe it'd be all better. That maybe everything would be okay today.

That wasn't the case.

I walked into school, and expected to see Savannah's smiling face at her locker like I usually do.

She wasn't there.

I also looked for West, and none of her friends had seen either of them.

I ended up leaving school early.

So did Brylon and Ricky, they care about her too.

Nickie and Kalie don't know what's going on, we didn't tell them because they might end up getting hurt also.

I walked into my house with the boys, passing by a mother that's asleep on the couch.

I walk over to the closet and get out a blanket, gently lay it over her and walk upstairs to my room.

"We need a game plan. Something is definitely wrong." Ricky tells us as I sit on my desk chair, backwards.

"Where would they take her? Any ideas of a warehouse they might've used?" Ricky asks me as he practically rips open his bag of Doritos.

"I know a few places they might've taken her. But none are really seeming that important." I get off the chair and kick the wall in frustration.

"Ugh! We need to be finding her! She could be getting beaten up, or..or.."
I run my hand through my hair, perplexed.

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