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-Your P.O.V-

     "I can't believe I'm here!?"

Wait, I should start at the beginning.

    It all started when I was a little girl
watching a video of the number one hero of Japan.

"I am here!" He said with a big plastered smile on his face. All Might, the number one hero of this generation. He's an inspiration for all young aspiring hero's, just like me. I so desperately wanted to be like him when I grew to be older.

So I trained. I trained every day non-stop till I was satisfied with my results. Of course this made my mother worry, but because my dad was America's number one hero he was always there, pushing me, making me do my best so that I would take his place one day.

     "Honey stop this! I don't want her dying
on me!" My mother said that to me, but also to my father because he pushed me over my limits.

    "What do you know." My father scoffed. "She will be stronger then me and All Might combined when she grows up and no one will stop her." When my father had concluded with that statement I collapsed.

     That was the day everything changed.

     "Please doctor tell me that my baby will
be ok?!" I could hear my mother in the background yelling at people in lab coats. It was muffled but I could manage. My vision may have been blurry but I was still conscious. I didn't really know what was going on rather, I was what was going on. As I awoke from a slumber, not knowing for how long, my mother was there with her tear stained face worried. "M-Moth-," my Mother interrupted. "(Name), I'm so happy your ok!" "W-what happened?" I asked her. "Honey, you over used your quirk. You might not be able to use it as much as you used too." She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. I wasn't surprised, my dad would have over worked me one of these days, I guess I just didn't catch it this time.

     I should explain. My quirk is a power involving two different quirks. My mother's and fathers. But it wasn't anything involving a quirk marriage, it was just what happened. My quirk is the ability to control lighting and wind. Take it as a quirk that's mainly weather associated. To be honest, it comes in handy. Anyways...

      "(Last Name), your father is here to see you." One of the doctors said. "Don't let him in." My mother protested. "Very wel-," "Its fine, he can come in." I cut her off as she nodded and he entered. "Just because this little stunt of yours happened don't think I'll go any less on you. From now on I'll have to work you twice as hard." My father spoke to me not caring about my well being at all. "Honey no! I will not let our daughter be in as much danger as she is n-"
He cut her off. "She is my daughter and she will be more then what she is now." He said that then left. My mother was scared and she couldn't take it anymore. She left me, and after that day I haven't seen her.

Now I live with my father, alone, training everyday and wishing for my mother's return.

-Time Skip 10 years later-

  It's now been 10 years sense I last saw my mother. I've grown. I'm now a responsible adult like teen at the age of 15 that has learnt new languages and studied abroad only to be accepted to the number one hero school, U.A. My dad got me in by using recommendations, it worked. So now I'm leaving my old home with all my necessities for the future. I know that I will aim to be the number one hero. Even if it takes moving to Japan that's what I'll do.

My father wasn't keen on the idea of me living alone so he came with me and we moved to Japan, together. To be honest I really didn't want it but accepted it anyways. As we arrived my father had already bought an apartment for me alone really because his agency was all the way back in America. I was happy about that.

But that wasn't the only thing I was happy about. I was happy that I'd be starting my first day at U.A. today.

"Well time to show them what I've got."

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