Sports Fest (Pt. 3)

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     As I was walking back to the waiting room I saw Denki. "Hey (Last Name), whatcha doing roaming the halls?" He asked me. "Well I was trying to find the way back to the field so I could see what the next challenge would be." Denki looked at me like I was talking gibberish. "Ok, anyways, why don't we go check to see what's next." I facepalmed. "Yeah, sure." I said walking with him.

-Time Skip-

     When we arrived we walked up to Oijro. He  said that he didn't remember anything from the last match. I was confused by this. "Wait, Ojiro, why would you want to leave? This is your only chance to prove yourself to the pros." I asked him. "I know that but, I don't think that it would be fair if I where to compete if I didn't know what I did or how I got in." I looked at him with worry knowing this was one of his only chances to prove himself. "Don't worry (Last Name) I'll have chances in the future." I looked at him and nodded with confidence written on my face. "Ms. Midnight, I would like to forfeit." Everyone looked at him wondering why and he gave the same reason to them as he did me. "I would also like to forfeit." I heard another student say. "I don't remember anything from the entire round, like my mind was erased or something." He said. Midnight looked at them. "Oh how chivalrous." She said. "That turns me on! I'll allow it." She yelled. We all just looked up at her wondering how she became a pro. "Well, since we now have enough contenders, we shall begin the rounds. When I looked up the the board I saw Izuku and Hitoshi Shinso. When I read this Jiro came up to me. "Hey (Name), why don't you come eat with us before the matches start?" "Sure." I said back.

-Time Skip-

While we were getting our lunches Menita and Denki came up to Jiro, Momo, and I. "Hey Ladies." Menita said. "What do you two want? And Menita, stop being a perv." I said. "Well," Denki started, "you see those other girls over there in those cheerleading outfits?" He asked us, while other girls where running in the halls being rowdy. "Well apparently all the girls are supposed to wear them." Menita finished. "Are you sure?" Momo asked. "Why would we lie to you?" Denki questioned. "Well if so, I'll inform the others." Momo said walking away while me and Jiro walked to get the uniforms.

-Time Skip-

"I can't believe you tricked us!" Momo yelled at Menita and Denki. "Momo, just calm down and have some fun at least." Ochaco said to her. I just laughed.

(Kirishima's P.O.V.)

'Wow, they all look beautiful.' I thought while looking at all the girls in cheer uniforms. I then took my attention towards (Last Name). She looked amazing. "Kirishima, lets go." Bakugo said to me. "Coming." I said back following him.

(Izuku's POV)

     I saw how Kirishima was looking at (Last Name). I didn't really like it all that well. I then saw her look at me. 'Oh no, she's walking over.' "Hey Izuku." "Oh, hi." "I just wanted to wish you good luck in the competition." She said. "Oh, I-is that so? T-thank you." 'Oh, I stuttered. Now what's she going to think of me?' She giggled. "Don't be nervous. Just know that we're all rooting for you to win." She said with a smile on her face. I then smiled back. When she left my name was called and I lined up at the end of the field.

-Time Skip-

     'Come on, think. How can I get out of his quirk?' I then saw people. One of them looks like All Might. Then I felt it, both fingers snapped. 'I won't give up yet.' I thought looking at Shinso. "Why are you doing this? Don't you know I want to win too?" I was about to speak but then remembered that's how his quirk works. I then ran up to him trying to push him out of bounds. I did but not before getting a few punches thrown at me. When I pushed him out Midnight called my name telling everyone that I had won. "You fought great Shinso." I said to him. "You know what Midoria, just know that maybe I'll get accepted into the Hero Course and then we'll fight one on one." He looked at me smiling. "Right." Then when I said that he froze me again.

(Your POV)

     I saw that Izuku won. I was so happy. I then looked up to the board and saw that Todoroki and Sero were next. I went to go find them to wish them luck but I only found Sero. "Hey Sero, I wanna wish you good luck out there." I said while he was stretching. "Thanks (Last Name). I know that I've got this one in the bag." He said as I smiled at him.

-Time Skip-

     Todoroki was trapped in Sero's tape. But then the amazing happened. Todoroki just set the bar really high and froze Sero in so much ice. "Sero, be honest, can you move?" Midnight asked him. "Are you kidding, look at me, I'm incased in ice." He said to her. She then replied, "Sero has been immobilized. Todoroki has won." I just sat their in shock.

-Time Skip-

     Next was me against Denki. I knew this fight was going to be a little easy because we have the same quirk but, the only down fall is, that I need to use the one quirk to limit the other so I don't over exert myself.

When the match begun Denki made the first move. "10,000 giga bolts." He yelled aiming it at me. I just stood there and took it knowing I could absorb it then shoot it back, but, I wanted to use my wind quirk instead. I then built up a small wind tornado that sipined him out of bounds. I then heard Midnight announce, "Kaminari Denki is out. (Last Name) is the winner." I then heard yelling out in the crowd. I just waved as I left the field.

     Next up was Tenya against Mei Hatsume. All she did was show off her 'babies' too all the support hero's. In the end she just stepped out and said she was done. Tenya didn't look to pleased about this.
     When that finished Aoyama Yuga and Mina were up next. This fight was good and funny too. Mina kept dodging him using her acid and by the end she hurt his belt and apologized. To me it was kinda funny.
     Next up was Tokoyami and Momo. I really felt bad for Momo because she wasn't able to do anything in time. But because of this, Tokoyami was able to become victorious in the end.
     After was Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Kirishima. This was very interesting because they both K.O. each other in the end.

     The last fight for the first rounds was Ochaco and Bakugo. I really felt bad for Ochaco. "Ochaco, good luck." I said to her while she was trembling with fear of this match. Izuku and Tenya walked in when I was about to leave. "Uraraka, we have a plan." Tenya said to her. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "W-well, I think you should make the first move. If you do you could get a solid hit on Kachan and win by floating him out of bounds." Izuku said to her. "I don't need a plan Deku. I have my own strategy." "But-" she cut him off. "All I need is you to cheer me on in the crowd." She said smiling at us. We all just nodded watching her leave.

-Time Skip-

     In the end of her battle with Bakugo she had lost. I was so proud of her for making it as far as she did. I also watched how she made Bakugo hesitate a little with her last major attack. In the end Ochaco won in my heart.

     With the all the first matches done and completed Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Kirishima were going again. This time they had an arm wrestling match. Kirishima won and I was so happy for his proud sportsmanship towards Tetsutetsu. In the end the two became really good friends.
     Next was the fight of amazement. Todoroki against Izuku. All I knew was this was going to be one epic fight.

     Ok so yes I know I'm late to publish this. I have no excuse. All I did was split this up into around 5-6 parts. And this is the 3rd or 4th I can't really remember. Anyways, I tried to make it a lot longer and worth your time for reading so I hope you enjoy.


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