Sports Fest (P.t. 5) Iida v.s. (Name)

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     "Can you please just stay?" 'Why did I say that knowing he'll probably say no.'

(Bakugo's POV)

     "Can you please just stay?" She asked me tears forming in her eyes. I didn't wanna be mean and say no, but what if someone saw us. "Tch, fine, but if someone comes I'm leaving."
Her tears started to slowly fade. She then mouthed thank you as she fell asleep on my lap.

-Time Skip-

(Your POV)

     I woke up on Bakugo feeling his fingers running though my hair with a small blush on his face. "What are you doing?" I said while looking like a tomato. He just looked at me and continued. My name was called and so was Iida's. I slowly got up with bakugo looking at me. I'll see you around Bakuboi. I laughed as I said that and he flinched.

     "Next up we have Tenya Iida and (Last Name) (First Name)." Mic yelled. "Go!"

    Iida was not scared to make the first move so I let him. He used a powerful kick but I still dodged him.  As I jumped out of his sight I used my wind as a way to push him away from me. He saw that coming. I was amazed at the fact he could maneuver around that fast. As I was falling he came up and used his last attack, the powerful kick, to kick me across the field. 'That hurt, a lot!' I thought to myself as I was knocked across the field. When I got up I saw him running at me fast. I dodged surprisingly. I used my lightning to zap at him but he ran passed it and grabbed my shoulders. 'This is my chance.' I thought and in seconds, I was able to use my lighting to where out his boosters and and making him stop. This is when I turned the tables on him and used my wind again as a wall that blew him out of the arena.

     "And the winner is (Last Name) (Name)!" I heard my name throughout the stadium. ' oh wait Tenya.' I thought. I walked over to him to help him up. He kindly accepted. "Thank you for the powerful fight (Last Name)." He said. "Anytime Iida, and please call me (Name)." I said to him. He just nodded. We then walked out the arena both feeling victorious. 'I'm just happy that my dad most likely won't kill me. I looked down even after I won. Iida noticed this. "Why are you so down (Name)?" He asked. I looked surprised. "Oh it's nothing." I said giving him a fake smile. "Alright but, if anything bothers you please inform me." He said knowing I was lying to him. I just walked away fast from him. He didn't intend to stop me.

     Hey everyone, I'm sorry I'm not updating as much as I promised. But I'm trying to. I'm just currently going though things that aren't what I was hoping would happen now. Anyways thank you for reading this it means a lot to me. I love you all. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


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