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Your POV

     I lost this match. I'm glad Todoroki's okay but, my father won't be happy.

Time Skip-

     "(Name)." I heard a stern voice say my name. A chill ran down my spine like spiders crawling up your leg. "Yes sir." I said with tremble in my voice. "You disappoint me. You are a failure of a child. I can't believe I had faith in you all those years ago." I stood there speechless I couldn't talk of move. "You're pathetic." "Heh." I snickered to myself. "Pathetic you say?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Sure maybe I'm pathetic, or maybe I can't always make you proud, or even maybe , I'm not that good of a person as everyone thinks, but, I do know that you're one damn piece if shit to talk down your daughter like this. I've put up with your sorry ass for fifteen shitty years. I'm done. You don't know how much pain you have put me through. I don't care about anything you have to say anymore." I said starting a fit. He stood there in front of me speechless.
     I continued, "the next time you have the nerve to talk down to me like I'm nothing but your foot-stool then you'll have another thing coming." "Why you-" he started. "No." I grasped his shirt hard. "Listen to me. You decided this future for me. Sure I wanted this, but, not to the extent you pushed me too. You know damn well that I didn't deserve what you put me though. And what about mom? You never even acted like you cared; nonetheless loved her. If others saw the way you treated me and talked to me you'd want to pray to God that he'll except you into Heaven because you'd be going straight to hell." He seemed scared. I didn't care. He put me and my mother though hell and he's got the same coming. I needed to put that sorry bastard in his place.

Kirishima's POV

     I heard yelling down the hall. I was with Denki at the time so we both went to check it out.
     When we arrived we found (Name) and her dad. We stayed silent just incase. She seemed like she was mad. Then she snapped and started yelling at him. Spewing out things such as 'you're such an asshole.' Or 'you'll meet me in hell.' And stuff like that. Me and Denki realized she had been rebelling against one of her biggest obstacles; her father.

Your POV

    'I can't believe it,' I thought to myself. 'I really stood up for myself and damn did it feel good.' "Now I don't wanna see you again and that's final." I said to him. He looked at me and I think I saw sweat fall off his face. He just looked at me and walked away. "Good riddance." I said talking a good breath and sighing.
     I started to hear something. 'Whispering?' I questioned myself. "Who's there?" I asked in a stern voice. I saw two nimrods appear from the other side of the wall. It was Kaminari and Kirishima. "Oh it's you two." I said calming down. "Wait, did you hear that sprawl going on." I said dumbfounded. "Y-yeah, we-we did." Kirishima said starting to get a little red. To be honest it was kinda cute. "O-oh." I said frowning a little. Denki noticed this at the fact he eminently started freaking out. "(L-Last Name), we're sorry. We were just worried." He said to me with a stupid look on his face. I chuckled at him and both boys looked at me back. They both started tuning red. "Woah." I heard Kaminari say. I thank stoped chuckling. "Wa-what?" I asked stuttering like a blabbering idiot. "Well, it's just, your laugh is just really cute." Kirishima said getting really red. I just stood there stunned and started blushing like an idiot. "Wa-What!" I yelled. Kirishima then realized what he had said and both boys went red. "Wh-what he meant to say was you're really pretty and your really cute when you laugh." He said laughing at the end. Kirishima looked at him like he was a dead man. I turned as red at Kirishima's hair. "You stupid-" Kirishima started yelling at Kaminari. I then slowly started to walk away from them. 'Wow they called me petty.' I started to blush because someone called me pretty.

     Hey friends. It's Skeelin again. Sorry for the really long wait and super short chapters. I've been dealing with somethings in my life and things that I didn't expect to happen. But I'll be more active since where I live it's summer. So at least twice a week I'll post. Or try too. Anyways I love you all and keep you all posted.

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