Sports Fest (Pt. 6)

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Iida's POV

     I was walking back to the stands to see Midorya and Ochako. When I met them they started freaking out. "Iida what are you doing?! Are you ok?!" Midorya asked sacred. "Oh no that's just my phone buzzing." I said answering it while walking away. "I-Iida, is this you?" I heard my mothers shaking voice. "Yes mother, what's wrong, you hardly ever call me?" "Well it's Tensei. He's been injured in a fight and is not doing well." She said almost on the verge of tears. I stood there unable to move or talk. I then hung up the phone and started to pack up my things to leave. But, before I could I had ran into (Last Name). I saw her tear stained face and how red it was. She seemed like she had bruises that weren't there before? "(Last Name)?" I asked. She seemed startled by my presence and got down to the floor in a ball. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to father I'll try much harder next time. Just please, don't hurt me." She said while crying. I knew I had to do something but what? I then saw Todoroki walking down this way. I waved to him then pointed at (Last Name) and ran so I could go help Tensei.

Todoroki's POV

I saw Iida wave at me and point to the ground. I couldn't see anything there so I just kept walking towards him and then he ran. 'Strange?' I thought to myself. I then tripped over a girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair. I then got up on my knee to see she was crying. "(Last Name)? Is that you?" I asked her unsure. Sure enough it was. She looked at me with red eyes from rubbing them so hard. "What happened?" I asked with no concern in my voice. "I-I don't wanna-" I cut her off, "(Name) tell me the truth. Is it your dad?" When I said the word dad it triggered her to start crying again. I really was not the one to be doing this kind of thing. "Follow me (Nick Name)." I said grabbing her by the hand and leading her to one of my many 'get away spots.'

She looked at the sky and her face was slowly looking better now. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her in a more concerned voice then before. "Y-yeah, I am." "So now do you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked again unsure weather or not she would cry again. This time was more of a success because she didn't cry. "I was battling Iida," she started, "when I was using my power I knew I could beat him. But I went easy on him because I didn't want to hurt my friend. When I won I knew something wrong was going to happen. Something pretty bad. I didn't want anything bad happen but I was sad because of how I was feeling. Then I ran into my father. He seemed disappointed in me. But the thing was he didn't even stop to glance at me. He just kept walking. I knew I was right when I had that empty feeling in my gut." She said looking at the ground with a frown upon her face. "And what about the bruises?" I asked her. She looked at me stunned. "Well when I went back to him to ask him if I did something wrong he just punched me in my stomach and pushed me down the stairs." She said. I looked at her and then looked to the sky.
     "Hey, why don't we go and see who else is fighting. I think it might take your mind off of a few things." I suggested in my normal monotone voice. She just looked at me and nodded. "That's sounds good."

Time Skip-

Your POV

     The fight we just witnessed was Kirishima and Bakugo. Bakugo won as expected. But I had so much faith in Kiri. Either way I'm glad that he won it just makes his promise to everyone more apparent.

     "Hey (Last Name), it's our turn. We have to go."
I got up and we went to the stadium.

Time Skip-

     "Coming up is Shoto Todoroki and (Name) (Last Name.!" Present Mic said in the loud speakers. "And Begin!"

     And so me and Todoroki went against each other. To be honest I didn't think I had a prayer that I would win against him. I used my wind against him but he just used ice to block it.
When the debris hit I let my guard down. Bad idea. He knocked me off balance with his ice. I then used lightning to zap him. But he dodged. I couldn't believe I was so naive to let my guard down like that. But I wouldn't give up. 'Come on (Last Name) is this all you've got.' Memories of my father yelling at me day in day out.

Flash Back-

"Please stop! She can't take this!" My mother pleaded to my father, but he didn't listen. "Move aside women. Before I make you." She never moved. She held on to me as tight as she could looking at my frail body. I was shaking. "Why you-" she snapped and fought back but to no avail. She tried to fight him but she lost. That night she left. And I was then there alone with out anyone else but my abusive father.

Flash Back End-

I lost it. I summoned lighting to shock him and hit him that time. But he then emerged from the smoke and struck me with ice. 'Dammit, at this rate I'll never prove myself to him.' I looked up in the stands to see him glaring at me. My eyes widened at the thought of him hurting me again. I looked down. Lightning surrounding me waiting to hit something
metal. Wind provoked it being a shield. I then lost control and went haywire. I threw everything I had at Todoroki but I didn't land a single hit on him. At the end of my lash-out I collapsed and Todoroki won. From what I remember he looked at me with worry and in shock of what I had done. For me I was terrified of what my father would do to me since I lost this match of the Sports Fest.

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