Cringe Cruise

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I woke up and went to my room to change. I noticed a small golden card on my nightstand. I looked at it curiously and opened it up.

Dear Phee,
I know this is probably the last thing you want to hear from me right now, but I wanted to say that I am sorry for my behavior lateley. It is unacceptable and I do regret it all. I really do want to make it up to you. It seems like we both need a break from all the action and hero work. It putting a dent in our relationship, so I've booked us a private cruise to get away from hero work. We would be the only passengers on the boat and even if I get a call about hero work I will not tend to it. My intention on this trip would be to make tou as comfortable as possible. Just know that I wont force you to accept this trip. I can get a refund on the tickets if I need to. I really do want to make it up to you Phee. You are the love of my life. I don't want to lose that.

-love Gabriel R.

I smiled a bit. He really wants to go on a care free cruise with me? I skim the letter again as i walk down the hall. I hear grunting coming feom the room next to me. I look through the window to see Gabriel punching a bag in his private training room. His hands were wrapped with tape and his shirt was off. His skin was tightly packed around his abs and sweat glisened off of his large shoulders. I watched his chest compress with every deep breath he took. He took another punch at the worn bag that had been patched with duct tape several times. His grunts were intense and motivating with every punch he took. I put my hand up to the window on the door. It rattled a bit making a seemingly loud noise. I quickly ran from the window and hid behind a wall. Gabriel turned to the door wondering who could have been watching him. He looked almost embarrassed that someone had seen him sulking like this. A moment later he continued punching the bag, skeptical, but clean punches. I watched him again through another window. He kept looking up like he was distracted. At one point he missed a punch and had to hold out his hands to keep the bag from swinging into his face. He finally stopped to nervous to continue, pulling a shirt on over his shoulders and removing the wraps from his hands. I decided it was rime to aproach him. I opened the door acting as if I had just come around the corner.

"Let's talk."

I walked over to where he was standing and looked up. It was only one night, but it felt strange to look at him in the eyes again. I looked up at his hair. Perfectly styled as usual. Apparently he caught me glimpsing at it.

"Don't even think about it. I'm all sweaty."

I grinned and held out the gold card.

"I'd love to go on a cruise with you."

He gasped.


I nodded.

"Oh Phee I can't wait. We are going to have such an awesome time!"

He attempted to wrap his arms around me, but I placed my head against his chest and looked down with my arms crossed.

"Gabe, please."

He put his arms down. I couldn't help but cringe.

"I understand. Time is what you need."

I smiled. He is very understanding.

"When do we leave?"

"Next Tuesday."

"How long will we be gone?"

"However long you want."

He wiped his face with a towel and smiled. I attempted to hide my own smile, but it came out, so I looked down grabbing my arm. He knows how to please me. I nodded and began walking towards the door, but looked behind me.

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