The New Privates

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"When do they come in?"

"Next week, you will be gone for the first part of training."

"I'll leave a video for them to watch. They should at least see who else is going to help them train. Until we get back I need you all making sure that you're on top of it. We need good soldiers. I trust you to train them well while I'm gone, Doom."

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You have my word Gabriel. These privates will do great things."

"I sure as hell hope so. Good luck."

"You too."

"Alright everyone take a seat. You will refer to me as Commander Doomfist. I'll be training you until the real man running the show returns from his trip. He has left you all a video to watch. Please listen carefully."

Doomfist turned on a holoscreen a video of Reaper began playing on it.

"Welcome to Talon privates. I'm Gabriel Reyes. You will refer to me as Commander Reyes. We have picked you all for this team to become a part of an organization that is determined to defend and bring justice. You will all train under the command of Commander Doomfist, Commander Maximillien, Commander Phantom, Commander Moira, and myself. I urge you all to pay attention and listen to these individuals. If you refuse to abide by the rules you will be terminated. Do what you are expected to do. Reaper out."

The video ended.

"More will be explained tomorrow soldiers. Lights out in an hour. Dismissed."

"Have you gotten an update on the new recruits yet?"

"Phee, I told you I wasn't going to do any business stuff on this trip. In fact I promised you that I wouldn't."

"I know, but to be honest I'm a bit curious myself. I'm wondering who we will see when we get back."

"We can go back whenever you want to babe."

"Hell no, trust me. The last thing I want is for the building to be full of smelly soldiers, but it would be nice to see how things are going. I'm glad people want to join Talon. It will be good for everyone. I can't wait to train people."

"It will be intresting to see them in action."

"I can't wait to be refered to as Commander Phantom. I feel bad for Widowmaker though. Poor girl has to train again. You're sure there is no way she can become a first class Private?"

"There is a lot she still needs to learn. I wouldn't mind giving her her next rank, but she still needs to learn everything."

"I'll settle on that."

"In the meantime, let's enjoy our cruise."

Phee raised a glass to her lips.

"Hey, thankyou for doing this. I know Talon is important to you. You didn't have to take the time off, but you did, so thankyou."

I looked up from my chair at her.

"Anything for you Phee."

Tonight the chief was going to make Top serloin. My absolute favorite meal. It felt nice to treat ourselves to this cruise. We get to wake up surrounded by water and the sweet sweet smell of isolation. This was out private cruise. Other than the employees, we were completeley alone.

Some time passed and Phee and I had pretty much explored the whole ship. I thought it would be more exciting. We did use the gym and the pool, but the pool table got old and so did the rest of the activities. Phee and I decided to call home. We both stared at the screen for a video chat. All of a sudden I see Doom smiling back at us.

Time To Reap (Reaper X Character)Where stories live. Discover now