Entry 16 : Just a Tobi-Kadachi??

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So the plan changed from capturing the Zorah Magdaros, to instead directing it away from the New World. The Field Team Leader's piloting a boat into a strange cavern called the "Elder's Crossing." That's the lightskinned grandson I mentioned earlier. Didn't notice he was so buff in person, I guess hunting all day requires a high-protein diet. He looks white, but I call him lightskinned because I'm pretty sure the Commander is black, and his hair is literally faded on the sides of his ponytail.
Anyways, considering the fact we're actually manning cannons on the side of this ship, the rumors about the Zorah Magdaros destroying the New World are true. I'm in charge of a small squad of AGDF Hunters, so I don't have to actually do anything, but.. That doesn't make me happy. As we come closer and closer to the cavern, I realize that it never made me happy. It just saved me from the disappointment of failure -- no, the possibility of disappointment.
I never tried hard at anything, or went out of my comfort zone. I'm just a glorified slacker.

"Chief Officer!" The Field Team Leader called out to me, snapping me out of my slightly hungover daze. "The Zorah Magdaros is driving monsters out of the wild. We need you and your forces on the ground, ASAP!" He stepped back slowly, sticking both his pinkies and ring fingers in the sides of his mouth, whistling (admittedly) beautifully. A flock of wingdrakes swung in, perching around the railings of the ship. "What the.. Where's your slinger?" Asked the Field Team Leader. "I think I got one laying around."
Crap. Now I'm gonna be stuck with one of those stupid things. I gave a lil bullcrap hand wave toward the Wingdrakes, signalling permission for the other officers to go ahead without me while I waited on a slinger.
He returned with one, presenting it like I've always wanted one or something, before buckling it to my wrist and giving me a stupid thumbs up like I know how to use it. "Alright, now get going!" He said, before hurrying off.

Wingdrakes will always be cool with me. The Field Team Leader had me thoroughly messed up if he thought I was gonna be hanging by a slinger while this thing flew me over the ocean. First off, I don't like dangling, and secondly, I'm not strong enough to support my body on just one arm. Anyways, this cool blue guy just grabbed me by the waist and is flying me back to Astera. I gave it a little bit of petting when I saw it, and it traded me a Flashbug, which was weird. At first, I felt bad for wingdrakes, because they live their lives in servitude to Hunters, but this small gesture shows me that these flying reptile bastards are at least a little happy. After all, they don't have to live in the wild and get eaten all the time when they work for us humans. After getting dropped off, all I could hear was screams of terror and monster cries.
"Woah, Freya you sure took a Lao-Shen Long time to get here! There's an Anjanath going hamster in the tradeyard, and a Tobi-Kadachi in the residential quarter!" JB decides to stop and lecture me before I even dust myself off. At least I understand why the Wingdrake flew off so fast.
I've only heard stories of Anjanaths, and so far I'm pretty terrified. I have to find out how the heck I'm gonna aid in beating a 10-meter tall firebreathing Tyrannosaurus with absolutely zero training. A loud roar coarsed the air as a giant pink head landed lifelessly in front of me, its vicious maw hanging open with its tongue flopped out to the side. I didn't even have time to jump. I looked over, seeing Rhys in a batter's stance like she had just hit a home run with that massive hammer she wielded.
"So, now it's just the Tobi-Kadachi," she said, confidently.
JB turned around, cheering. "YEAH! GREAT JOB, RHYS! Happy times!"
Rhys bursted into a sprint, casually kicking JB to the ground on her way past us and deeper into town. I'm gonna try to follow them, but I don't expect to be of much help. I'm hoping that I can at least see how its done.

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