...Made the Bus in Seconds Flat

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There was no other word for it Jacqueline was livid. Warning her daughter, expressing her upset had not done a thing to make the girl listen.

And now 'Mister Gordon' had been corresponded with. Every single letter before was addressed 'Missus' as was the instructions in the personal details reflected on Beth's school record. Where it questioned 'Where to direct correspondence' was written Missus Gordon.

With a frown and a sigh Jacqueline flopped dejectedly onto the couch and covered her face.

This was it, this was the moment everything started to unravel. This was the day her ruse of no husband would come and bite her on the bum.

A woman raising a child alone...
And what would happen when the school board found out Missus Gordon had hidden such information.. tarred and feathered she would be and all this...

All this, this new life, this tiny Lilliputian flat with old furniture, oddly stained rugs, narrow stairs and leaky faucets would disappear from view. Her perfectly lovely job, her independence shattering around her as she hurried off north to Norfolk for her father to say in a deep gruff voiced I told you so. I told you not to go to the big smoke, told you it wasn't safe, told you it was best to stay close to hearth and home,  close to family.

No more London, Pattie, independence....

Mister Gordon was addressed this time and as such the school would soon learn there was no Mister in this house. And with no mister there was no place for Bethany at the posh Catholic institution.

It had been an internal struggle, Jackie hadn't wanted to put a mans name on the forms nor should she have had to. But what could she do otherwise when it was a requirement. What was she to do- put nought and be rejected as was the case up north when a small Beth had needed to attend school.

So Jackie made it all up, well not completely made it up, she just put her fathers name on the documents and had everything addressed to herself. Easy. Yes easy until the Headmaster came calling a third time!

The ensuing weeks had been a battle waged. Katie's time in the house was severely restricted which had Bethany at war with a under prepared mother every evening.

Walking her to school, when she could, saw her daughter deposited safely, and more importantly on time, at the school's massive wrought iron gates.

But it wasn't always so and the days when Jackie tore off to the other side of the city for a advertising shoot with Pattie saw Katie's return and the girls triumphant shrieks as they cleared off back to Abbey Road. Jackie imagined those youthful squeals could be heard for many, many miles around.

Yes, Jackie could visualise them as she caught the morning bus, as she settled in her seat, as she checked her watch at nine o'clock...

It was inevitable that Jackie would crack, need a way to fix things, permanently. She sat on the bus and mulled and mulled over what to do. A good hour of wondering and thinking culminating in a shaky plan but what else was she to do. Desperate times called for desperate measures and if she couldn't stop the yearning of a young girl wanting to race to Abbey Road every morning perhaps she could go at this from the other end....

Speak to the parties responsible for causing such utter chaos in the streets and school girl crushes in Jackie's home.

She would speak to those four princes from Liverpool.


"George -Jackie... Jacqueline I mean" Pattie bounced out of the agency laughing in delight. She was heady in love and it was gorgeously delicious to see. Jackie held back not wanting to intrude on their being reunited after his tour of Wales. "Jackie meet Georgie. See isn't she delightful and she puts up with all my moods George!"

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