Beep beep'm beep beep yeaH!

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That John's a sod. Won't tell me what she had on her bedside table. I didn't see anything odd and I felt the broken spring in the middle of the bed! What the hell did John see.. maybe he's having me on and it was just the book. That's probably what the wack did - walked in, bounced on her bloody bed then picked up the book. He loves books. Naff him for bouncing on her bed first though.

Scarlett- but he said it wasn't just from the book, so what then? Scarlet fever, Scarlett red, Scarlett lady. Most probably Scarlett lady knowing his mind. And she'd been smiling sweetly at him and scowling then boxing him one in the next mo.

Blow it. He can have the nickname, I'll find my own.

Friday! She said whenever, so yea, now's whenever... two minutes past ten, Bethy girl at school, Jackie at home. Bingo.

I couldn't stop thinking about her the other night she's so on off. I get it, I do. The kid, the responsibility. I want a dog so I know it's a big responsibility having - I just compared Beth to a dog. No man, not good. Jack would flip if I said that out loud.

She's like a lioness with her young. Bloody hell is that music coming from her's. God love her.... She has good taste in music, it gets better and better.

Come on, come on answer the door times getting away...

I'm going in she's not answered and the handle turns.. the doors unlocked. The music is rocking out and I doubt Jupiter is missing the concert.

She'll kill me but what a way to die...

And there she is, peeling carrots.

Not just peeling carrots... she's trying to read the How To Dance step chart of a mag and doing some sort of sexy salsa type moves to Love is Strange, love this song.....

I think, no, I'm definitely, a rabbit.

I want her peeling carrots and doing dance steps, leaning over the kitchen sink in demin shorts for the rest of my reproductory life.

Her hips swivel in time and those tiny feet flex and step and tetter on tip toes. I should move right up behind her. She's still skimming the lino, no idea I'm in the 'ouse, carrot tossed, another clutched. Right, sneak up behind her and sing the last bit to her. Smooth JP smooth.

His hands loop and his lips graze her neck and Jackie freezes with a screech.

Baby, oh baby
My sweet baby, you're the one
Baby, oh baby
My sweet baby, you're the one

"I thought you were a council officer!!!!"

She's got one of the new players, the needle picks up and drops back at the start of the song...

"Oh aye the council fella comes waltzing in and dancing with ya at the sink then hey?"


Will you marry me and chop my carrots and dance at my sink all day....?"

"That's really sexist Paul"

"Turn around and show us your moves then"

"No, I'm just fudging them. I can't understand that footstep thingo in the magazine."

"Run up and grab your heels. We're dancing baby"

" think. ....Can you?"

"Really yes, and can I- yes... Brian had us do all sorts of lessons. The etiquette ones went down like a lead balloon but the dance stuff was neat. Toss the carrot and grab your heels luv"

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