Ch. 13 Kirvin (Kevin & Kirstin)

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Kirstin POV
So Kevin and I are just standing there watching Sofia play.

Kevin: How did she found out?
Kirstin: I think you have a smart kid.
Kevin: True.

Now it's awkward.

Kevin: Yeah. Wanna go for a walk?
Kirstin: Sure.

So we went and walked along side the beach.

Kirstin and Kevin: So.
Kirstin and Kevin: You go first.
Kirstin and Kevin: No you.

We both laughed.

Kirstin: Wow. So, what do you want to talk about?

Kevin POV
What can I talk about?

Kevin: Well, it okay if I ask you something?
Kirstin: Sure.

I can hear Sofia in the back of my head.

Sofia: Ask her out.

Out of nowhere I just blurt it out. Not even thinking.

Kevin: Will you go on a date with me?
Kirstin Wait what?

What did I jus say?

Kirstin POV
I'm so confused. I'm trying to figure out did Kevin just ask me out.

Kevin: I said will you go on a date with me?


Kevin POV
I messed up. Great. She's gonna say no.

Kirstin: I would love to.
Kevin: What? Really?

I'm surprised.

Kirstin: Yeah. I would love to. I was wondering when you was gonna ask me.
Kevin: Really?
Kirstin: Yeah.
Kevin: Well, everyone has been bugging me to ask you out.
Kirstin: Really?
Kevin: Yeah because I have to admit. I've had a crush on you for a while now.
Kirstin: What? Kevin, I don't know what to say. To be honest, I've had a crush on you too.
Kevin: Really? Wow.
Kirstin: Yeah. That day when I took Sofia out shopping she asked me if I like you.
Kevin: How did she figure it out?
Kirstin: She noticed how we nervous we were and asked me. And said yeah, but don't tell anyone.
Kevin: Why?
Kirstin: Because I thought that you didn't.
Kevin: Kirstie I think that you are amazing and I like you a lot.
Kirstin: That's really sweet Kevin.

We walked back to where everyone was at. Even though they were still at the water. Kirstin and I sat down and she puts her head on my shoulder. We watched Sofia play.

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