Ch. 22 My Life Complete

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Sofia POV
My life feels so complete. I got adopted by Kevin Olusola, Pentatonix became my new family, Kirstin became my mom. Everything is perfect. Dad even got us a house.

I still see Uncle Avi, Uncle Scottie, Auntie Mitch, and Aunt Esther everyday. And everyday gets better and better. The only thin

g that would make it even better is a sibling. Now everyone is at the house hanging out and it's been a year since they got married.

Sofia: Mom. Dad. I want a baby sister or a baby brother.
Kirstin and Kevin: What?
Sofia: Yeah. I want a sibling.

I see them whisper to each other.

Kirstin: Should we tell her?
Kevin: I don't know.
Sofia: Tell me what.

Mom gives me an envelope.

Kirstin: Stand in front of everyone and read what's inside.

I go in front of everyone.

Scott: What's going on?
Kevin: She's gonna read something tou guys.

I open the envelope and read the paper.

Sofia: I'm going to be a big sister.

I got confused and so did everyone else.

Sofia: What?
Kevin: Read it again, but slowly.
Sofia: I'm going to be a big sister.

Then it hit me.

Sofia: OMG! I'm gonna be a big sister!
Kirstin: Yep.
Mitch: I'm still confused.
Kevin and Kirstin: We are having a baby!
Everyone: OMG!
Avi: Yes! I'm get to be an uncle again.
Esther: OMG! Congratulations guys.
Mitch: OMG! This is so exciting.
Scott: Yay another baby we are gonna spoil.

I ran to mom and dad and hugged them.

Sofia: I'm getting a sibling!

A couple of months later we are at the gender reveal to find out what mom and dad are having. We open the box and

 We open the box and

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IT'S A BOY!!!!

Dad is literally running all over the place.

Kevin: We are having a boy.
Sofia: I'm having a baby brother.

We are all excited.

Scott: Future Pentatonix beatboxer.

We all laughed. Then, before we knew it my baby brother is here. He's name is Aden.

Sofia: He is so cute.
Kirstin: You love your brother.
Sofia: Yeah.
Kevin: He's perfect.

My family is now officially complete with my baby brother. 
Fast forward, Aden is now one and we having his birthday right now. He is walking everywhere and is talking. He is amazing and I'm being the best big sister ever. Hard to believe my life changed so much. I was once that girl who lost her parents in a car accident, in an orphanage till I was 7, got adopted, having Pentatonix as my family, faced my fears, got a mommy, and a brother. My life is complete.

Hey Pentaholics!!! Well guys, that's the end. I'm gonna take a break from writing a little bit. But I will have another story out soon. Thank you so much for your support. Share this story and my other story "A PTX Opportunity".

Love you guys so much, stay awesome,  and see you soon.

Kevin Olusola Adopts Me (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now