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Max's point of view

"You look happier lately." Stella, one of my mothers tells me.

"Do I? I haven't noticed." I say and she smiles, messing my hair with her right hand.

"Have you made friends at school or something?"

"Not at school, but I've been talking to someone lately." I confess her. After a week of talking to Alex I think is time to tell my parents.

"Good morning losers." Linda, my other mom says as she enters the kitchen.

"Hey love." Stella smiles and they share a quick peck.

"What were you both talking about?"

"Momma just told me your birthday present." I joke and Linda flips me off.

"Don't mess with me before I get a coffee, kiddo." She warns me and I raise my hands as a sign of peace.

"Max was telling me about this new friend of his."

"He has a friend?" Linda whispers and she sighs.

"You owe me 20 pounds Linn."

"Wait what?" I ask, confused with the whole situation. "Did you bet on my social life?"

"Of course we did, honey." Stella says and I glare at her.

Even though I try to keep an angry expression, I end up chuckling.

"Now go to school." Linda demands and I get up from the chair.

"Yes ma'am, I'll see you later." I kiss their cheeks before leaving for another day of torture.

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