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Max's point of view

Where did u go?


I'll be out in a minute

Can you buy me a coffee in the meantime?

Yeah sure :)

I'll be in the cafeteria

K :)

   I tuck my phone back into my jeans and I press my head against the wall. It doesn't look like this damn feeling will go away anytime soon, but I can't let Alex be alone because of me.

   As soon as I hear other guys enter the restroom I decide to leave the cubicule I was in. The two guys are busy talking to each other to notice me, but for some reason it feels like they are talking about me. I wash my hands as quick as I can and I walk out without even drying them.

   While I walk my way to the cafeteria, someone suddenly bumps into my shoulder and I flinch, ready to be slammed against the lockers or to receive a punch straight to the face. Instead, the girl looks at me and apologizes with a shy smile.

   What the fuck is wrong with me?

   I try to walk faster until I finally reach my destination, inmediately scanning the room looking for Alex.

   "Boo." Someone whispers in my ear from behind as they wrap their arms around my torso.

   "Hello to you too." I smile and I turn around, getting his arms off me without it being too noticeable. "Where's my coffee?"

   "The queue was too long." Alex explains.

   "You didn't get it?" I pout and he chuckles as he kisses my forehead.

   "We can get some at a café outside, watcha think?"
   "I guess it's fine." I nod and he takes my hand to walk out of the campus. I look around us just in case somebody has noticed our intertwined fingers, but it doesn't seem like it.

   I take a deep breath and decide to just enjoy my time with Alex.


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