Chapter 3

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I didn't know what to think because I haven't seen Jimin in 2 years.

There was so many questions going through my head; why is he in a band with Jungkook?
Why is he friends with Jungkook?
Why hasn't he spoken to me since the band got together?

I had to excuse myself from the table because I couldn't get it out of my head and I had to stop myself from making it obvious.

I walked to the toilet and went to the sink and splashed my face with water.

I looked up at the mirror and saw my reflection and thought to myself, how can I act normal about this.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I dried my face and hands and went back out to the meal.

I sat down and Jungkook asked me if I was okay, I nodded and gave him a kiss and carried on eating.

As it got to the end of the meal me and Jungkook hugged all the members goodbye went back home together.

I wanted to tell him so bad about Jimin and how J was him but I couldn't get myself to do it, because BTS were doing so well and they are so close to debuting.

That night I couldn't sleep and I kept tossing and turning in bed, how could I have not noticed that it was Jimin in the band, I had known him for 14 years.

To be fair he did change his hair colour and hair style, have different eye colour contacts and change his name and a totally different personality

I was thinking about why he had his name as Min Ji and then I thought that it is Jimin backwards, I felt stupid for not realising and I laid there thinking about how he hurt me.


The next morning Jungkook woke up before me because I didn't get to sleep until 4am, he made me some breakfast in bed and sat beside me while we watched some TV.

I asked him about his schedule and he just said that he was going to practice with the members.

I nodded my head and then he placed my breakfast onto the floor, I looked at him as to say, what the hell you doing?

He pulled the covers down revealing my stomach and started kissing my belly button up towards my neck.

I put my hands on his cheeks and brought his head up to my lips, we starting making up with each other and he pulled the covers over the top of us.

I pulled my face away and asked him if he had time, he looked at his watch and nodded.

We had sex and everything else you could think off and after we laid in bed together, and I couldn't stop smiling.

Jungkook looked at his watch again and said,

"shit that took longer than I thought, I need to leave."

He jumped out of bed and started whipping on his clothes.

I just laid on my side watching him and was smirking.

He looked at me and smiled and did a little dance while walking over to me, he gave me a kiss and ran down the stairs and left.

I laid in bed and remembered about the meal yesterday, my smile then became sad face and I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin.

I thought to myself that I should check our house that we had together, because he might've brought it and staying there.

I became more curious and went to the bathroom to do my makeup.

I got dressed into comfy joggers and left the house.

I stopped off at a corner shop as I didn't finish my breakfast with Jungkook because he put it on the floor and then it went cold.

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