Chapter 10

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Jungkook POV-
I was so fixed on the idea that Jhope has done something to her, he has always been flirty towards her.

I was dancing to my single song and I just had the urge to call Y/N phone, I went to my bag and left the room.

I called her number and I heard a slight ringing coming from our dance studio, I peaked through the window on the door and Jimin got a phone out of his pocket.

He looked at the phone and then looked around the room, I assume looking for me, and then he hung up and put it in his bag, and then my phone cut off.

I did not know what to think, Jimin was the kidnapper.

I instantly felt guilty and I walked straight over to Jhope who was in the dressing room, I asked to speak to him privately and I apologised for blaming him.

I explained everything and I could tell that he was so mad at Jimin for everything, he went to storm out of the room but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

I explained to him that we couldn't confess that we knew otherwise he would do something to us and we'd never find her.

We went back to the dance practice room and Jimin wasn't there, we asked around and they all said they didn't know where he was.

Me and Jhope ran out of he building and saw him drive off in his car, we felt so shit because we didn't know if Jimin knew that we knew and was going to hurt Y/N more.

Jimin POV
I had to hide this secret from the boys, I nearly got caught when stupid Jungkook called Y/N phone, thank goodness he didn't see me.

The guy came back to my room and I have had no sleep for so long, he came up to me with the knife and placed the knife on my thigh again, he then pierced it into my skin but this time it was just one line, but he didn't stop, he was writing some words.

It stung so bad and it was unbearable, I looked down and he was writing J-I-M

I then realised that he was writing Jimin.


He looked up into my eyes and said to me in a very creepy voice,

"This way I am always with you."

I felt sick right through to my stomach, I started yelling in his face and told him to stop but he had to finish it, it was so painful.

I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face, I said to him why? Why would he do this?

He replied,

"Ever since I left you I have been making this dungeon for you, so I could keep you forever. I was waiting the right time and I was about to come knock on your door and ask you on a date, but then I over heard you tell Jungkook that you wanted a break and he had to leave. I knew that was my chance so I climbed up the side of your wall into your room and waited till you were alseep and then I made my move."

I felt sick hearing this story, I could not believe that he would do this to me, after everything we went through 2 years ago.

I just started crying more and he said to me that he is actually sick of hearing me cry and he walked out, and locked the door behind me.

I ran after him and jumped to grab his leg but he shut the door, so I flew into the metal door and whacked my head.

I curled up in a ball and gripped my head, it was throbbing so much and I couldn't handle the pain.

I couldn't handle being in here anymore, I just wanted to leave.


Jungkook POV
Jhope took me back to his house and we stayed over talking about how worried we were for Y/N.

We thought about telling the other boys but we thought that it might be easier if we just stay with just us two.

Jhope allowed me to stay on the sofa and he slept in his bed, we ordered a pizza and ate it while crying to each other.

We didn't want to cry because we wanted to be manly but we couldn't help it, we were so scared.

I turned to Jhope and asked him a question.

"Urm Jhope, do you urm fancy Y/N"


"Do you fancy Y/N"

"I can't lie to you Jungkook, yes I do."

I just sighed and knew that I wasn't good for Y/N.

"I don't want to say this Jhope, but I honestly believe that you and Y/N should be together."

Jhope looked at me with a confused expression and proceeded to say,

"The day after Y/N said we needed a break I got with this girl and I've brought home a couple girls and we did stuff."

Jhope lowered his head at me, I could see that was hurt.

"I did this when Y/N is probably being tortured, ever since she left I had this bad feeling but I was too scared to go home and check on her, so I tried to get my mind off it which is why I got with girls."

"Jungkook, that is disgusting and so disrespectful."

"I know Hyung, I am so sorry, I don't deserve her."

"No you don't maknae, you really don't."

"This is why I want to save her, I have to do something good to get rid of this guilt."

Jhope nodded and then he walked off and went to bed.

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