Chapter 4

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I heard the sirens coming towards the house and I lowered my head and was still crying.

There was a knock on the door and the guy opened the door and 3 policemen were stood there.

The guy who owned the house pointed at me and they approached me and picked me up and handcuffed me.

I looked at them and they preceded to say,

"you have been arrested for breaking and entering, you do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not say anything, anything you say may be given in eveidence."

I felt sick and I was so scared, I was apologising to the guy but he just stared at me and I got pushed into the police car.

I was sat in the back of the car and it was silent, apart from when someone would say anything on the radio.

As we approached the police station I got taken into a separate room and had to get some pictures taken of me and my finger print.

They took everything I had apart from my clothes, I was put in a holding cell for over night.

The cell was dirty and cold, I was asking the police officer if I could have one phone call but they wouldn't allow me to have one.

I was bursting for the toilet but the only thing they had was a stainless steel toilet in the corner of the room and there was no toilet seat, I decided to hold it in and lay on the bed.

The bed was so uncomfortable it was just a metal block and there was not cover, there was one pillow but it was very flat and didn't look comfy.

I laid on it anyways and shut my eyes while crying myself to sleep.

I was woken up by someone bagging on the cell door.

I jumped out of the bed and the door was pulled open, the police officer looked at me and said to me,

"The guys house you robbed didn't want to press any charges so you are free to go."

They then allowed me to have one phone call and I straight away called Jungkook.

I was calling and calling but there was no response, I felt angry because if he doesn't answer I don't know what I would do.

I tried a few times but there was nothing, I thought for a while and then called Jung Hoseok who was in the band, he answered and asked who it was.

Hello, J-hope are you there?

Urm yes, who is this please?

Its me Hobi, Y/N

Oh hey Y/N are you okay?

Urm no, I was arrested last night and I need someone to come pick me up because I got let out. Is Jungkook there?

Omg Y/N what the hell! Urm no Jungkook isn't here, he left with the boys to get some food.

Shit, is there anyway you can pick me up Hobi please.

Yes of course, are you at Jongho police station?

Yes please hurry.
I them sarted crying

Don't worry Y/N, I'm on my way.

Thank you Hobi

The line went silent and I put the phone back.

The police officer went to get my things and he took me to a waiting room, where I had to wait for Jhope.

Around 15 minuets later the police station doors opened and he ran straight to the reception and asked for me, I stood up and called his name.

He swung round and ran and gave me a hug, I hugged him back tight and he took me back to the car.

As we sat down he asked me what happened and why I was arrested.

I really didn't want to tell him about Jimin because he hasn't known me since what happened so he wouldn't understand.

so I just said that I was graffitiing a wall and got caught, I thought of this because me and Jimin used to do it when we first went out.

He looked at me in disappointment, I begged him not to not tell Jungkook, he agreed and drove me back home.


we arrived outside my house and he looked at me and asked again if I was okay, I just nodded and a tear rolled down my cheek, he said to me that he didn't think I should be alone so he came inside with me.

Me and Jhope watched a film together and I just cuddled him while I was still crying, I have always liked Jhope, me and him always had a special bond with each other.

I could feel my eyes going heavy and I just fell asleep, I got woken up a few hours later by someone saying my name and shaking me, I woke up and said, 'Jhope stop it.'

I opened my eyes and Jungkook was stood in front of me, he looked confused and asked why I said Jhope.

I looked around the room and I couldn't see him anymore.

I looked back at Jungkook and he put his arms out getting impatient for my answer.

I told him that I was dreaming about him and he was about to push me off a cliff and that's why I said stop it.

He took the lie and walked upstairs to bed.

I was so confused because I swear I wasn't asleep for that long, Jhope must've left very quietly and gone back to the practice room.

I made my way to the bedroom and I was rubbing my eyes because I was so tired.

I got into my night outfit and climbed into bed with Jungkook, he turned over and looked at me and said to me,

"what did you get up to today noona?"

I was thinking deeply about was I was going to say, and I just said that I looked around some shops in the shopping centre, but I didn't get anything.

He nodded and believed my answer and told me about his practice day.

I was pretending to listen but Jimin and now Jhope were in the back of my mind.

I had to just get these feelings outside of my head and think about my boyfriend.

I then saw Jungkook waving his hand infront of my face and calling my name.

I shook my head to get out of the trance I was in, I looked at Jungkook and apologised.


It was around 3am and I was still thinking about Jimin and Jhope, I have now realised that I am starting to fall for them.

I have always deeply loved Jimin, and after today I realised that I am falling for Jhope.

All these emotions were going through my head and it was making me feel sick, I was trying so hard to think of ways of which I could figure out my feelings, but I couldn't.

About an hour later I had an idea, I was unsure but I knew it was the right thing to do...

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