Chapter 16

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I knew that Jimin left the place because he told me so I thought that this was the best time to escape.

I used my amazing zip tie and unlocked my door, I was running around to each room to look for a window but every window had iron bars.

I must've looked at every single room but then I remembered about the small room right at the top.

I ran up the stairs and ran into the room, I saw a window and there was no iron bars.

I looked down and there was a flat roof so I knew that I would be able to escape some how.

I opened the window and stuck one leg out, I then looked back at the computers and I just had this urge to go look at it.

I climbed back in and went over to the window, I saw Jimins car pull in and then these 2 people running across the grass.


I was screaming and clapping and jumping around the room.

I immediately ran out of the window and landed on the flat roof, I looked around and there was no way that I could just jump down.

I saw another bit of roof connecting so I climbed onto it and carefully walked across it, it was very small and I was quite wobbly because I was limping.

I carried on walking and I made it to the end, there was then another bit of roof and once again and bit of small pointy roof.

I was walking along that bit and then suddenly my foot slipped and I slipped down, I panicked and grabbed onto a gutter.

I screamed as I fell down and then I heard these people shouting my names.

Jungkook POV
Me and Jhope were walking around the building and then we heard this crash and then a scream.

We looked up and saw Y/N hanging from the roof, I completely froze and Jhope was shouting.


I heard Jhopes voice and it was so nice to here him, I had to be tough and not let go.

I was pulling myself up and I managed to catch my foot on something which helped me with an extra boost.

I finally managed to push myself up back onto the roof and I just sat there waving and sobbing to the boys.

I then looked into the distance and saw the rest of the boys running over, I stood up and started screaming and waving.

Jungkook POV
We were waving at Y/N and then she was waving not in our direction anymore and me and Jhope looked at each other in confusion.

We looked at each other and pulled a confused look, we turned around and saw the boys running across the ground.

We both smiled and hugged them, Taehyung put his hand on my shoulder and said,

"We knew that when you ran off you knew where Y/N was, so we followed."

"Omg I am so glad, thank you guys."

We then remembered that we need to rescue Y/N.

We looked up and she wasn't her anymore.

"Shit where has she gone?!"

We ran around the house and was trying to call her quietly.

We ran back so we could see the house from further away to help with having a wider peripheral vision.

None of us could see her and it was actually scaring us, we then heard her shout our names and we looked down and she was on the floor.

She was jumping about and then ran straight towards her.

We opened our arms for her to have a massive hug.

Suga POV
I was actually really excited to see Y/N it has been a long while, I was watching her run over but then I looked on the floor and then I saw a really sharp bear trap.

I pushed my way infront and stuck out my arm.



I was running towards the boys, I then heard Suga shout something but by the time I realised what he said, I ran straight into the middle of the bear trap.

The whole thing cut through my ankle and I collapsed onto the floor in absolute agony.

The boys ran over to me and they were all crying.

They tried forcing the bear trap but it was too tight and slippery because of the blood.

We then heard Jimin shouting,

"Aww poor little Y/N is stuck, so come on then who's going to fight me."

Author POV

Jungkook stood straight up and Jimin lifted up a bat he had.

All of the boys apart from Jungkook and Jhope were so shocked that Jimin was the kidnapper.

Jungkook saw a plank of wood and swung it over his head hit Jimin straight in the head with it, causing him to fly across the grass.

He then raised it over his head and waked him again over the head causing him to be unconscious on the floor.

The rest of the boys managed to get Y/N out and they wrapped Jhopes t-shirt across it tightly to stop major bleeding.

I was in so much pain but it helped looking at Jhopes prominent abs.

Author POV
They all looked at Y/N and were very shocked with the appearance of her, she had bruises all over her face and cuts, a massive swallow ankle, Jimin calved into her thigh, a massive hole where the chair leg went and it going all infected, a slice in her hand and then finger bruises down her arm.

They all put there hand over their mouths in shock and they were all crying, they each hugged her one by one and Jhope was the last one and he kissed Y/N straight on the mouth.

They all didn't know how to react because the last time they saw Y/N she was dating Jungkook.

They looked at Jungkook with a shocked expression, but he was clapping and encouraging them.

He then told the guys about there conversation but didn't mention about the girls.

Jhope carried Y/N on his back and then suddenly something grabbed Y/N shirt and she flung off his back and straight on the ground.

They all turned round and saw Jimin with a bat, he raised it in the air right over Y/N face, and was about to smash it down but Jungkook rugby tackled him to the ground.

He then grabbed the bat and started hitting Jimin over the head with it hard, then suddenly SNAP.

Everyone gasped and watched Jimins neck fling back and Jungkook dropped him and he just fell to the ground.

No one knew how to react so they just cried.

The police then arrived and sorted out the dead body.

Hitman bang came in his car and hugged all the boys knowing that they are safe.

Y/N got taken off in an ambulance with Jhope.


3 months later
Y/N and Jhope are in a secure and loving relationship still.

All the boys debuted and it was a massive success and everyone loved them.

5 years later they are still preforming and they were the biggest boy band in Korea, none of the army's knew about Jimin being in the band.

The end

Thank you everyone who read this 2 part story
I really hoped you enjoy it and I hope to see you for my next book :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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