Chapter 14

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I have been in this room for hours and I have not heard any  noise from outside.

I decided that I was going to give escaping another go.

I picked up the zip tie and unlocked the door again, I slowly opened it and peered round the corner.

Jimin POV
Yes another fun night of watching Y/N looking like an idiot.

I slowly walked around the house and this time I went straight downstairs.

I walked down the dark hallway and I came across this old wooden door.

I opened the door and it gave of a really loud creak, it made me jump and I straight away stopped it and listened out for Jimin, but I didn't hear him.

I wiggled my way through the door way and turned the light on.

Jimin POV
"This is going to be good."

I stepped forward and as I put my foot forward to step down the stairs it got caught on the wire, and I fell down the whole flight of stairs, I landed at the bottom.

As I landed at the bottom my ankle was really hurting, I looked down and it was swallow and bruised.

I knew It wasn't broken but it was sprained.

I stood up and rubbed my head as I hit it on the stairs and it really hurt.

As I stood up I looked around the room of the basement and then the light bulb exploded.

I screamed and ducked and immediately put my hands over my head.

It was suddenly pitch black and I was quite scared.

I slowly walked forward and my whole body was shaking.


I fell backwards as I just walked into a metal shelf.

I thought to myself that I shouldn't be down here because I don't know what Jimin has down here.

As I turned around to leave I felt this thing climb up my bare legs, I screamed and shook my leg.

But it climbed higher up my body and it was on my head.

I was shaking my body around and my hair but I could still feel it.

I managed to find my way to the stairs and I ran up it so fast.

I forgot about the wire and once again tripped over it and I landed flat on my face.

I sat up very fast and checked my nose for blood, there wasn't any thank goodness.

As I walked away the spider was just chilling on my back.

Jimin POV

That spider part wasn't even planned HAHAHAHAHA.

I carried on walking around the house but there wasn't anything that I haven't seen already, apart from the way out.

I was hobbling my way around the house trying to find my way out, I ended up finding a secret set of stairs.

I looked up at it but it just looked like a black abyss.

I hopped my way up and gasping everyone my ankle would touch the floor.

As I got the top I saw this blue door and there was a sign saying private.

I gulped and turned the door handle and wondered in.

Jimin POV
I heard Y/N walk up the stairs and I panicked because I didn't want her to see me.

I ran into the wardrobe and stayed quiet.

I walked in the room and all I saw was a desk and a wardrobe.

On the desk there was a lot of monitors.

I was confused as to why Jimin needed this many computers so I went to go investigate.

I looked at the monitors and there was every inch of the house on the screens.

I realised that this whole time Jimin was watching me walking around the house and he didn't punish me.

I then thought where the hell is he, I carefully looked at every monitor but I could not see him anywhere.

I then felt this cold chill go down my spine as he must be in this room.

I looked over my shoulder with the corner of my eye and saw the wardrobe.

I gulped once again and stretched out my hand to the wardrobe handle.

I touched the handle and then saw this black thing in the corner of my eye.

The spider then ran right down my arm and onto my hand.

I screamed so much and flicked my hand and ran straight out of the room.

I slammed the door shut and started breathing heavily and put my hand on my knees as I bent over getting my breath.

I totally forgot what I was doing and I tried to find another room.

Jimin POV
I was holding my breath so much hoping that she wasn't going to open the door.

I then saw her shadow approach the door and I was actually scared she was going to open it, because then I would have to punish her and I can not be bothered.

I then heard her scream so much and it made me jump.

She the shouted spider and then I couldn't hold in my laughter.

I burst out laughing and just prayed that she wasn't there to here me.

I heard the door shut and I came out of the wardrobe and laughed more.

I looked at the camera and I saw her screaming down the hallway.

It was so funny.

I could not stop screaming, this is the third time I have seen this spider and i swear it is getting bigger every time.

I just wanted to get out of this hell hole, I miss the boys so much.

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