Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV

I sat in a small motel room thinking about what I have just done, I sat in this disgusting chair and contemplated going back to see her.

I was about to get out and pack my bag but I stopped myself, she said to me that she wanted a break so I should respect her wishes and stay here.

Jhope POV
I was practicing in the dance room, it was getting really late but I couldn't get Y/N out of my mind, I didn't think that I felt this way about her.

I was so angry that I couldn't have her, I had to think of a way to make it so it was just me and her and no one could get in the way.

my head was pounding

My nose was burning

My wrist were stinging

And I couldn't see a thing

I shot up and was turning my head around the room, I must have a mask over my face because everything is black.

I heard this distant voice saying,

"Oh you are awake Y/N"

I turned my head towards the sound and was trying to shake the thing over my eyes .

"There's no point doing that baby, it's on too tight."

I gasped as I felt this shark object sliding across my thigh, I recognised he voice but I didn't know where from.

"You know I have always liked you and I just wanted to get you alone so we can live here together and far away so no one can get in the way."

I started crying because I was so scared and I just wanted Jungkook with me.

Jungkook POV
I couldn't sleep that night I just had this bad feeling, but I knew that it was just my emotions and I just need to sleep it off.

I was so scared, I didn't have a clue who was kidnapping me and why he wanted me.

I was shouting at him for what he wanted and turning me head round to where ever the voice will be.

"I just want you Y/N, me and you here forever."

I was getting frustrated because I just wanted to know who it was, I was wiggling my hands from behind but there was no use, they were zip tied together very tight.

"Can you take this mask off my face you fucking prick!"

"Well no if you speak to me like that."

I sighed, the voice was quite deep and it sounded quite cute, it was annoying that I recognised it but I couldn't think of who it was.

I was so cold, I did not have a clue where I was and my head was still really hurting.

My head kept falling backwards because I was so tired and my eyes stung from whatever he put over my mouth.

As I was about to fall asleep I heard a massive bang and nearly tipped over with the chair, the guy was back and he was sliding this thing over my leg again.

Apart from this time it was actually slicing into my skin.

I started shrieking with the pain and biting my lip as the result of the pain, there was then a metallic taste in my mouth and I realised that I bit so hard, my teeth went through my lip.

The pain was excruciating and it was even worse that there was blood pouring out of my mouth.

He suddenly stopped and I was really breathless from holding my breath and shrieking with the pain, he then pressed the object into my neck and whispered in my ear,

"I'll save yhis spot for another time."

I was crying so much that it was coming through the material on my eyes.

Jungkook POV
I woke up and rolled over and stretched my arm over the bed to spoon Y/N, my hand then flopped onto the covers and it made me jump, I sat up and looked and then looked round the room and fell back on the bed.

I was laying down staring at the ceiling and a tear rolled down my cheek, I didn't realise how much I would miss Y/N.

I slowly got up and went to get dressed into my gym clothes, I sluggishly walked over to the bathroom and went to do my morning routine.

I was so lonely on my own, I just wanted Y/N with me.

I was sat in this uncomfortable chair for so long that my whole body is going numb, the zip ties were so tight I could feel it piercing into my skin.

Sitting here made me think about my life decisions, the more I thought about it the more I wanted Jhope to come rescue me instead of Jungkook.

I missed the boys and even Jimin, I just wished that none of this has happened and I can just run into their arms.

Jhope POV
I just want you to be my girlfriend Y/N, please forgive me for not telling you and for the next few days.

Jungkook POV
I walked out of my motel room and went to the reception, I booked the place for another couple of nights and they payed it off my credit card.

I got in my car and drove to practice, I walked in and I was the first one there.

Because I was the first one I thought that I would practice my song, my choreographer played the song and I showed her my dance.

She was very impressed and she came up to me, got a cloth and placed it on my forehead and started the dabbing the sweat off my forehead.

She then opened the top of my shirt by undoing the buttons and patted my chest dry, I looked in her eyes and she looked back at me.

She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, I brought her in closer and started making out with her.

I heard noises coming from the outside of the door.

"Shit it's the boys."

I pulled my head away and put a strand of hair behind her head, she then heard the door open and started correcting me on my dance moves and winked at me.

The boys came crashing in apart from Jhope, I asked them where he was because we need to practice mic drop.

They shrugged their shoulders and started stretching.

Jhope POV
I was late for practice and I was thinking shit! They probably are wondering where I am.

I left where I was and drove straight to practice.

It had been a while since I have heard any noise, I was actually feeling quite lonely by myself, does that mean I miss the company of my kidnapper? That's weird?

I was trying to think of ways to get the eye mask off my face but I couldn't think of anything.

I wish I could see so I could see anything round the room that I could use.

I had the idea of putting my feet on the chair and using my kneecap to get he eye mask off my eyes.

I attempted it but the mask was too strong and I was pushing my knee cap hard into my face not there was no use.

My foot then slipped and my kneecap hit my nose, I froze because I was praying that I didn't have a nose bleed, since I am so scared of them.

I then felt this trickle down my nose and I started to freak out, I just wiped my face on my shoulder and calmed myself down.

It seemed to work, nothing else came out of my nose.

Jhope POV
I made it to the studio and I ran inside of the building.

I ran into the studio room and all the boys shouted at me for being late, I ignored them and started from where they were up to with practice.

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