Chapter 5

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It was 9pm and I was waiting for Jungkook impatiently, I was sat on the sofa twiddling my thumbs thinking whether this was the right decision or not.

I heard his car pull up and I re-adjusted myself so I was looking more presentable or comfy.

The doorknob turned and Jungkook walked in, I gulped and sat up straight.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled, but then his expression turned into a frown and he sat next to me.

"Y/N are you okay?"

I sunk in my chair and told him that he needs to listen to me, I proceeded to tell him my idea.

"So Jungkook..."
I coughed and held his hands.

"I have been thinking about us and I just don't think that we are in love as we were when we first met."

"Y/N what are you saying?"

"I'm saying Jungkook, that we need to have a break."

"I don't understand, is there other guys that you fancy or have I done something."

"Urm So you know Jung Hoseok In your group?"

He nodded

"So I think that I am starting to fancy him."

"So you are starting to like one of my fiends and leaving me? I can't believe this."

I felt so bad and then I thought about Jimin, I really need to tell Jungkook about what I found out about Jimin, I took a deep breathe in and started to talk again, I looked up and Jungkook was walking around the room in anger.

"Look Jungkook please come back down, I haven't finished."

"You may not have finished Y/N but I have."

He started to walk out but I shot up and grabbed his shoulder.

"Jungkook come back and sit down right now."

I was gritting my teeth and I forcefully pointed my finger towards the bed.

Jungkook gulped as he haven't seen me like this before, he came and sat down with me and huffed but looked at me and started to listen.

"So Jungkook, I have found something out that you will not like at all, and I feel so bad for telling you but I really need to."

He sat up and moved his body closer and I started to cry.

"Urm you know Min Ji, that urm is actually Jimin."

He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Jimin? Meaning your ex who walked out on you?"

"Urm yes" I responded.

He sat up and started pacing around the floor, I did not know what he was going to do and I was actually scared.

He pulled a very pissed off face and stormed out of the room, I suddenly thought that he was going to go straight to Jimins house and I started to panic.

I ran after him and was shouting at him to come back, I turned the corner into the kitchen and looked round the corner.

I saw Jungkook opening the fridge and getting out a drink, I felt embarrassed but confused as to why he hasn't left the house to talk to Jimin.

I asked him if he was okay and if wanted to talk about it.

He shook his head and said that he can't stay here with me, I looked at him to stop him but then realised that it was probably for the best.

I could tell that Jungkook was hurt that I didn't try to stop him but we both knew it was for the best.

He walked off to the bedroom and started packing up his bag and he came into the living room where I was sitting, he went to come and kiss me but he stopped himself and walked out of the house.

I suddenly thought if that was the right move and I just fell back on the sofa and put my hands over my eyes and cried.

I woke up from being asleep and it was pitch black, the last thing I remember was it being around 2pm and Jungkook leaving the house after I said to him that I wanted a break.

I looked out the window and it was pitch black.

Wow how long was I asleep for?

I gave a big stretch and yawned, I looked at my side and saw my phone I picked it up and looked at the time, it said 3:27am.

Damn I thought to myself, I have been alseep for so long.

I made my way down the hallway and it was completely pitch black, I went to turn on the switch but it wasn't working, I shrugged my shoulders and carried on walking.

I got to my bedroom and I heard this banging noise, I jumped back and let out a little shriek.

I went to turn the corner to peek in my bedroom door but then I heard a massively manly cough.

Shit! I need to hide! There's someone in the house!

After I shrieked I straight away put my hands over my mouth, I heard these footsteps approach the door.

I was frantically looking around my hallway to see where to hide.

I saw my bathroom door open and I ran straight towards to the door and hid behind it, I put my hands straight over my mouth and held my breath, a tear was rolling down my cheek in fear.

I could hear things breaking around me and all I kept thinking was I hope Jungkook comes home to collect something and beats up this person.

The footsteps came closer and the bathroom door creaked open.

I was gripping my mouth so tight praying that I wasn't going to make a noise.

I looked to my right and I saw my reflection in the mirror and the guy stood in the door way and waving.

I suddenly panicked and I didn't know what to do, I was caught!

The door flung open and the guy flung me round so I was facing forwards, I was kicking and screaming but this guy was too strong.

His hand then lifted up and he put a cloth over my mouth.

My eyes went all heavy and my head went light, I then felt my neck fall back and then everything went black.

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