Chapter 8

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I had slept for a little bit but the guy came back to me.

I sighed as I was so tired and just wanted to sleep.

He came up to me and lifted up his knife, I was starting to shake as I didn't think that my body could take any more pain.

He got his hand and shoved it straight at my waist, I flinched and closed my eyes but he freed my hands.

I rubbed my wrist because they were so sore and they were red raw where the tie was.

I looked up at him and he just stared back at me.

He then gestured for me to stand up and I did as he was told, he then told me to follow him.

I was quite slow because I was limping but I managed to follow him, he took me to this room where there was a chair and something attached to it.

I looked at the chair and felt sick because I didn't not know what was going to happen here.

He sat me down and handcuffed my hands to the chair arms, he pushed my back against the back of the chair and tied a bit of rope round me so I couldn't move, then he cuffed my feet to the chair leg.

He put this helmet of my head and pulled this switch, this electronic shock went right through my body and I was fitting with the pain.

It eventually stopped and my head just fell forwards and I was passed out.

Jungkook POV-
I woke up and I turned over and put my arm over the girl in my bed, I went to say morning Y/N, but I opened my eyes and saw a brunette in my bed.

I nearly shat myself and jumped out of bed but it just made my heart jump.

I laid flat on my back and rested the back of my hand on my forehead.

My head was absolutely banging and it was making me feel so sick.

The girl woke up and turned over and kissed my abs, I slowly pulled her away from my body and told her that she needed to leave.

She looked at me and got straight out of bed, and picked up her clothes.

I apologised and she just stuck her middle finger at me and walked out of the motel room.

I went to go back to sleep but then I got call from Namjoon.

I sighed and answered the phone-

What Namjoon?

Ooh someone got out on the wrong side of the bed.

That's not funny, what do you want?

Well we are worried about you, you haven't come to practice

I looked at my watch and it said 11 o'clock.

Shit sorry I slept in, now about to leave.

Okay see you in a bit

I laid back down in bed and thought to myself that I can sleep for another 30mins and tell them that it was busy traffic.

I finally got the courage to wake up and get dressed.

I went straight to the dance practice room, I knew that the boys would be loud so I took some pain killers.

I walked in bracing myself and they all came running up to me, they seemed excited and angry which was surprising.

I still had a headache but I blocked out the pain and was teaching the boys the moves to gogo.

It was really fun to teach them because the dance moves were really enjoyable to learn.

After a busy day I went back to my motel room and saw the mess of the bed and suddenly became really embarrassed of what I did last night.

I then couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and if she was okay.

I woke up and I was in this room, I was laying on this bed and all I could see was a metal door and stone walls.

There was a bucket which I guess I had to go to the toilet in it and that was it.

I thought that I was in bed when I woke up because the last thing I remember was getting electrocuted and passing out.

I sat up and curled my kneecaps to my chest, I started crying because I was missing the boys so much.

There was a knock on my door and then the guy walked in, he walked over to me and handed me a plastic tray.

There was stale bread and this sloppy thing on the side.

When he walked out I pushed it to the other side of the bed and carried on crying.

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