18. Lady Madonna

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A few days had passed by and not much had happened since I last saw George. I told my uncle I was feeling under the weather whenever he asked if I wanted to accompany him to things, although in reality I was completely fine.

The truth was I was terrified to face George again.

I felt so much for him, and I didn't want to just rush into the relationship again, because I knew it wasn't the same now as it once had been back in Liverpool.

I would have to be a fool to think the boys had never cheated on their girlfriends, I even overheard Paul and John talking about it once back when they visited for Christmas.

I was so scared I'd get my heart broken by George because I was falling so hard for him all over again, he's always has that damn effect on me.

The first time I fell for him I had just been getting over heartbreak and he made me forget all about it in an instant, so I was just trying to protect myself better this time.

I had time to think and maybe I was being ridiculous, but the main reason I'd let him leave Liverpool without me in the first place is so I wouldn't hold him back and he could be with whoever he pleased.

The fact that he'd told me he still loved me eased most of my worry but I was still hesitant for some reason, I just needed some time to think and make sure he was serious about our relationship.

"Knock knock." I heard George say as he opened the door to the flat, as if he'd read my mind and came to tell me I'm insane.

"George?" I asked slightly shocked, stopping washing the dishes and looking over my shoulder.

I noticed by now the bruise on his cheek was significantly better with only a little bit of purple and yellow. The cut on his lip was barely noticeable, I was glad because I felt terribly sorry that he did that for me and I wish he hadn't.

My eye only had a faint discolouration that was barely even a mark by this time and I was thankful, because I wouldn't receive strange or terrified expressions now when people saw me.

"I heard you were ill, so I brought you some things." He lifted a basket with a goofy smile.

"Thank you." I couldn't contain my smile as I turned to face him, although feeling slightly guilty that I wasn't actually sick.

"Yeah, so how are you feeling?" He asked walking over into the kitchen and placing the basket down on the counter.

"Oh, much better today." I felt my cheeks reddening as I watched him begin to pull out cans of soup and some records to listen to.

"That's good." He smiled thoughtfully turning to me.

I could smell his warm scent of sandalwood and I admired his gleaming brown eyes, he was looking at me longingly like he was afraid to do anything wrong that'd make me want him to go.

"Is that chicken noodle?" I asked after an uncomfortably long silence walking next to him and reaching over to grab the can trying to ease the tension.

"Oh, yeah, I remembered you liked it the best." He grinned slightly.

"Who likes tomato soup anyway." I asked scrunching my nose at him in jest of his favourite soup as I looked up to him.

"It's good, you're just crazy." George mumbled raising his eyebrows as he looked down at the counter.

I elbowed him playfully in the side laughing.

"So what did you tell Brian when you got home that morning." George grinned slyly.

"That I had spent the night on your couch because I drank too much." I shrugged looking down at my hands with a smirk.

"Well you are known for throwing a bevy or two too much in one night." George quipped playfully.

"Am not." I spoke childishly.

"I carried you up to your room in Hamburg." George furled his eyebrows.

"You have a point." I muttered defeatedly.

"We're you supposed to go to John's house today to meet the girls?" George asked curiously.

"Oh, crap, I forgot." I groaned

"John invited us over to go work on some songs. I can drive you over if you want?" He offered politely.

"I'd love that." I smiled graciously putting my hand on his arm thankfully.

"Give me a minute Ill grab my bag and we can go." I smiled retracting my hand and going to grab it from my room.

I figured the lose white blouse and black miniskirt I was already wearing would do for today.

I came back out and the two of us made our way to the elevator to go to John's house.

"How has the movie been coming along?" I asked knowing I hadn't been around the set much the past few days.

"Good. I'm excited to get it done with and go on vacation." He huffed tiredly.

"I bet." I chuckled.

There was a pause of silence as we stood side by side in the elevator.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything, because we might not be there yet, but if you wanted, you could come with John, Cynthia and I to Tahiti" George mentioned keeping his eyes away from mine seemingly self conscious about asking.

"I think that sounds fun." I smiled a little to myself begging to daydream what it would be like.

His spirits seemed to lift as we got to the ground floor and began to walk to his car.


When we arrived to John and Cynthia's house it seemed that everyone was already here because of all the cars.

We knocked at the door and Cynthia opened it smiling widely.

"Hello." Cynthia smiled slyly looking between the both of us with Julian on her hip who was smiling hugely as he saw the two of us.

"Hello." George and I replied awkwardly walking in once she moved away from the doorframe to let us in.

"Finally!" Jane exclaimed getting up from the couch and racing over to give George and I huge hugs.

"I almost thought you'd forgotten." She sighed relieved.

I glanced sideways at George who was trying not to cackle.

"Well, I didn't." I exclaimed happily as well.

"We're almost all ready to go, Cynthia's just going to putting Julian down for a nap now." Jane beamed making me realize Cynthia had disappeared from the room.

I looked over to the living room seeing Maureen who was staring at George and I with a giant smile as well, making me want to sink into the floor boards.

"The boys are in the kitchen."  Jane smiled at George.

George nodded and tossed me a warm smile before walking over to join his band mates.

"So, how was your date with Victor that Cynthia was telling me about?" Jane asked intrigued.

"It must've been grand, I heard he took you out somewhere fancy." Maureen smirked from behind Jane with an excited undertone, looking as if she might come right out and say the truth.

"Oh, it was okay." I shrugged it off.

"I heard it was a riot." Maureen smiled.

Jane looked back questioningly.

"The good kind. Of course." She giggled although meaning the opposite.

I tossed her a quick pleading look desperately wanting her to keep quiet.

"So, where are we going again?" I asked trying to change the topic quickly, shifting uncomfortably.

"The spa." Jane's eyes lit up.

"Great." I smiled relieved, I was in need of a good relaxation day after everything that'd happened.

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