I have plans... always

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Annie's POV. Oh and before this starts this is gonna be seasons now I'm not making another book of these if there different so this one is gonna be a series. And there's gonna be a lot of seasons on this one none stop... but the maximum amount is 200 chapters maybe. I guess that could be the end of this... if I survive or can I? 🤔. Annie woke up from a bad dream of about the fight. She's still thinking about the fight that she forfeit. Now she's powerless, she then woke up all disappointed. When she was about to yarn Anja came along giving her a hug. "Hey mom... what age was I again I kinda forgot was I 7 or 6?" "You are 7 years old which still makes you well kinda a cub. Hey have you seen your dad?" "Yeah. He's at the pond over there," Anja said pointing where Janja is at. Annie looked at Janja sitting down quietly. "I'll go talk to him but how about you go well... play around or something ok?" "Ok!" Annie went towards to Janja to the pond and sat right next to her. "Hey Janja you upset how I forfeit the fight. I know besides I have a plan." "A plan? What are you talking about Annie?! We have no match for Kion besides how did you forfeit the match again?" "I got scared from Kion's roar and put some type of mystical dirt on my eyes and it had a vision but it was fake!" "Well how come I didn't had that are you lying?!" "Does it look like I'm lying your weren't even there a few minutes ago! And... Sigh... listen I'm just kinda... really." "Disappointed? Furious? There's gotta be those words Annie," Janja said trying to demonstrate. "No it's none of those Janja... well disappointed is one of them but... I'm confused." "What make you say your... confuse?" "I just don't know when did he had that dust I need to figure out how but I can't I need to take his place again but I can't do it without my crew... are crew... Hyenas, Jackals, Lions, And vultures. We need them Janja but... wait a minute... we can sabotage," Annie said giving Janja an evil smile. "When your smiling I think you got the perfect plan. What is it?" "We can sabotage them make it think this is all Kion's fault. We need to sabotage the water, burn the trees, grass everything. And kill the animals and let them stay there dead in the ground... and put them in the pride rock make it think that's all Kion's fault this. This... is perfect! Hahahahaha!!!" Annie said laughing evilly like a Hyena would do. "You know what thank goodness I found you. Your the one with the plans... but how are we gonna do this?" "We watch him if he's gonna attack us then you and your furbrains can take him out and I can head to the pridelands and start sabotaging." "Ok that's perfect and once they kick him out we control the area and." When Janja looked back he sees Anja Listen to every single word they said. "Umm... hey there Anja... did you heard all that?" Annie said. "Yeah I did mom... can you at least tell me who I don't need to trust and tell me who to trust?" "You know what that's a perfect idea and plus I think Kion is already an teen now sensed it been a couple of years but anyways... Kion is a Lion that is golden brown. And if you see any animals that is a hippo, cheetah, a bird not a vulture, and a honey badger. That's his guards that protecting him so if you see him at least get some information on them and give me what you saw and if they spot you and start talking to you try to lie your way out of this and if there following you get them somewhere dangerous or somewhere they can get lost. Did you get all that Anja?" "Yes I did mom but what if your friends with him?" "Oh... I guess you can talk to him but don't give him any information on stuff." "Ok mom." Anja left to go play. "So Janja as was I was saying things will go perfectly as plan but the question is how are we gonna lure him in?" "I can do that besides it's very simple." "Alright shell we start now?" "Yes Annie let's start down your plans are way better than mines." "Thanks Janja," Annie have Janja a kiss in the checks.

The Lion guard, revenge of the QueenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin