~Chapter 5 ~

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He sat on the armchair with Avni asleep in his arms gently patting her head, while Kriya was sitting on the bed waiting for reports. He came here for the first time after their weekend they spent together, after almost a month, Swayum called him to be precise!  Because he was busy with Sara, setting up their beach house.
Sara came back to India so he was full time busy with her. When he saw her at the airport, he sighed in relief thinking that atleast he got some peace after living through the nightmare. Her sight made him remember that they had spent 3 beautiful years of togetherness, living up their dreams.
But it was as if he wanted to remind himself. Because in this 1 month his perspective have changed, he started seeing situation in different way. His opinion was changing! His opinion about Kriya, his feelings for Avni both were changing. He no longer think Kriya as some fake sympathy gainer or Money minded women! She was a fighter, a strong headed women, but he knew that behind that strong facade there's a brutally broken girl with fragile heart! He was praying for Avni's health, 'cause he knew she is Kriya's heartbeat, and god forbid if something happened to her, Kriya would be shattered to such an extent that it'll be impossible to collect her broken pieces.  
"Guys! Good news Kriya is pregnant" , Swayum happily announced entering the room with reports in his hands. Rey smiled looking at Kriya, who sighed in relief. She got a ray of hope, that her lifeline could be saved now!
"Will the child match? I mean I don't match and Mr. Singhania also doesn't....  ", she asked in a concerned voice. She wanted an assurance!  
Rey got up from the armchair with Avni asleep in his embrace and walked uptill Kriya to sit just besides her. She turned to look at him with hopeful eyes.

"We can just hope Kriya! Keep faith in god, he have tested you and this little soul enough, he'll show some mercy on his kids now. Don't worry, and you never know a miracle just might happen! ", he said looking into her eyes, trying hard to calm her restless soul, and making her believe in hope!

Swayum also joined Rey and said, "Kriya, We can just hope this works and I am 100% it will. Okay?! Now be positive and yes from now onwards we got to look after you,  you need to eat well and rest properly. We need to make sure the baby is strong and healthy enough to help their elder sister! Okay?!". She gave him a smile and thanked lord for blessing her with such a good doctor cum friend.

"Wow Avni! You're going to be an elder sister!" she whispered taking hold of Avni's tiny fragile hand which have a cannula attached to it. She looked at Rey with teary yet hopeful eyes, as if to get an assurance that everything will be alright, to which Rey blinked his eyes assuring her the same.


Swayum was looking at Rey as he sat in his office sipping the coffee, whereas Rey was looking down in his cup to avoid Swayum's scrutinising gaze and his interrogation on the topic he was having no answers off.

"How is Sara?" Swayum asked.

"She's fine! She is organising her father's 60th Birthday party in a fortnight." Rey answered looking at him. Swayum nodded his head and sighed before jumping to his main question.

"Look Rey you're going to get married soon, it's not far, I mean 4 months are around the corner, don't you think you should tell her?" Swayum asked.

"I am planning to tell her after we come back from our honeymoon Swayum, till then baby will be born and Avni will be fine as well. Then we can both decide how to proceed" Swayum looked at him raising his eyebrow.

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