~Chapter 7~

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Sara looked at Rey who was playing with the spoon stirring it aimlessly, sitting at the dinning table looking all lost. For the past few days, he had been so distant, not only from her but from the whole world. His eyes red and puffy with dark circles around them, acting robotically, going to office and coming back, with his appetite lost somewhere. Seeing him like this, she didn't forced him for any wedding outlooks, she knew something have shaken him badly to the core, but what?! Whenever she tried to reach out for him, he acted all cold. She asked Swayum who told her it's regarding that cancer case he was dealing with, but it wasn't first time such casualty happened, he is a doctor, he have seen and handled such cases efficiently. But this case of his had effected him like never before!! There was something special about that girl but now she wasn't knowing what to do, she can't see Rey like this... her fairytale dreams were fading, and she wasn't able to do anything!

"Rey?" Sara called him, and he lifted his head to her.

"What's the matter?" she probed looking at him and like always he looked down at the bowl full of cheerios and milk, avoiding looking at her.

"Sara it's just that I have been thinking about Mom alot lately, I have been missing her alot! "he said avoiding any eye contact with her, but it wasn't a complete lie. He was missing her Mom and Avni a lot since past 4 days.... 4 days have passed since god snatched his angel from him!!

4 days , since he was regretting even his existence! What kind of a father he was?! He had let her down at every stage of life... When she was suffering from Cancer he was enjoying his life out there with Sara, lost in there own dream world without even knowing her existence!..  When he came to know about her, he didn't accepted her as his daughter,he didn't owned his responsibilities! And when he started accepting her, God punished him for his deeds! He snatched his little doll from him.

Here his condition was so miserable, he couldn't even imagine what Kriya might be going through!! How she would be living in that house which had Avni's memory in every corner... That house must be haunting her!!

"You should go and see Uncle!" , Sara suggested thinking it would be good for him and he needed a closure with his father also,since his mother died. Maybe this'll get him back to normal!

"I was going to ask you if you don't mind me going to see him for a few days in the city..." He said because even he wanted to spend some time with his father and the funeral was arranged for the weekend,he had loads to sort out and right now all he wanted was to be out of Sara's way.

She nodded at him with a faint smile. He knew he was hurting her... punishing her for no fault of her... but he was helpless, his regrets over shadowed every other feeling!
He should be spending time with her but his mind was a mess,his heart was shattered and his soul drowned in regret!

He would explain her after marriage, he thought. This thought was wrong even he knew but he don't want to lose her as well.

"Sara I am sorry!" he apologised holding her hand.

"Its ok Rey! I know you'll tell me when you are ready!" , she said withdrawing her hand back. He nodded and left the place.
He took in a deep breathe and knocked on the door. He had been driving around the block thinking about what he was going to say as to why he was there. She clearly denied him last time to not come here, and now even the soul that connected them was no more.

Main question was, is he even ready to face her?! Does he have that much courage?! Since the day she was released from the hospital, he knew she had no one to express her griefs to, no one to share her pain, no one to calm her when she'll cry, no one to take care of her... apparently she had no one in her life only!! The only support she had, the only person she had in her life.... her lifeline... her Avni..  was no more!!

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