~Chapter 8~ Kiss GoodBye

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* Warning : This is the most crappiest chappy I ever wrote😭, I'm sorry I was too much disconnected from wattpad due to exams. You'll feel that it's totally off track🙃 But I'll be back to my usual self from next updates.
Last time Jhel lo pleez 😬

Belated Happy Friendship's day to all my beautiful sisters♥


Taking the spare key out of his wallet, he unlocked the door and stepped into the house. All the emotions he felt left him too overwhelmed.... and why not, he was finally at his Home! The same fragrance was still lingering around, the same warmth, the same aura and he was even expecting the same welcome, by her sweet melodious voice.. Rey you home?!.... But there was none! No voice, no one to wait for him, no one to engulf him in their arms when he came, no one to worry for him, no one to cry for him!

He gulped the lump formed and controlled his emotions before walking into the living room. He noticed how Dad had never moved her things, everything was placed just the way she liked. His gaze fell on Lord Ram and Sita's Idol with the candles burning and the Cross bearing Jesus placed besides it ...his mother was catholic.

Every morning, as long as he could remember, he saw them both infront of the cabinet in the right hand corner of the room where the shelves had the picture of Ram and Jesus stood side by side with one candle burning infront. 'Rey, we humans divided God! But he is present everywhere and in everything! And in our home, we'll worship him no matter what religion' That was what she used to tell him and he just smiled at her giving a nod of understanding. Dad would just kiss her on the cheek and pat his head leaving for his duties in hospital. Mom was everything to him, his friend , his guardian and his guide forever stirring him in the right direction.

"Rey!" his fathers voice broke his trance and he turned to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Ranvijay asked, over sensing something was wrong with him. And the other moment he felt Rey's arms wrapped around him. He was surprised when he saw him sobbing like a kid in his arms.

"Shh.. Chup..bas quite...sit here... and now tell me kya hua hai", Ranvijay calmed him and made him sit.

"Dad.. wo.. Av..ni... ", and even her name was enough to bring back the tears which stopped a while ago and choke him.

Ranvijay sighed when he told everything to him and handed over a beer bottle to him.

"Hmm... Beta!" Rey looked at him. He calls him Beta only when he had to explain something to him.

"This girl is pregnant with your second child and Sara , who you're marrying doesn't know about it?" Ranvijay asked to which Rey nodded .

"Hmm Son, I think I need to tell you some truths about our family" Rey looked at him who was constantly staring at his mother's picture on the wall.

"I never knew what was freedom, as in India I lived only for my parents never myself. When I got the opportunity to go to America I took it but there was a condition..."Ranvijay turned to look at Rey.

"Pitaji wanted me to marry his best friend's daughter Nivedita. We knew each other for ages since childhood but we never loved each and never actually looked at each other in that way. One evening Nivedita called me to meet her before the engagement. I agreed and that was when I met Vinod, her boyfriend! That evening they both confessed that they loved each other and they wanted me to get engage with Nivedita as of now because I had to leave for America and then refuse to marry her later on. Even my work visa was for 2 years so I agreed. In those days, the girl hardly refused if the boy's side was willing and I said yes because of pitaji. We got engaged!
Heck I was engaged to a woman who never loved me but someone else and both our families were happy. I went to America and worked there for 17 months, when I got a phone call. It was Nivedita! She told me she had messed up and was now pregnant with Vinod's child. I was left surprised as she sobbed on the phone! She said you have to save me or Baba will kill me. I thought heck I am in America they cant blame me but Pitaji called and told me Nivedita was crying saying you found a white woman and ...well you can guess the rest! Nivedita made up lies and cooked up stories about what I was doing there. My Visa got extended and I moved to Washington. Pitaji broke all the ties with me and even restricted my sister Shanti and brother Sanjay to talk to me. I thought it would take some time for the matter to settle down, but our families were on the verge of war and in between all that stepped the hero Vinod and married Nivedita! Anyway during that time I was tense , Pitaji would not take my calls and Shanti and Amma would just cry. That was when your mother stepped into my life! I can never forget, she was recruited as a replacement Nurse in OT and Rey it just clicked! I can't explain it. When we spoke it felt like I just wanted her to be with me, listen to me...and we kind of then met at the medical parties and stuff. I tried to fight it but just couldn't . I fell in love.."  Rey looked at his father who was telling him everything. A smile played on his lips when he spoke about time spent with his mother while his eyes were glued on Mom's picture. 

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