Chapter 6: "You don't deserve to be a hero!"

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-The next day-

The pink haired girl sighed as she walked to school. Her mind cluttered with yesterday's events. "You're still bummed out about yesterday?" a voice asks. The young girl turned around and noticed the teal haired girl trailing behind her. Reina sighed again and nodded. Kaname couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend. Even though Reina and her team had won the training exercise, she didn't really put up much of a fight. In result of that,  the pink haired girl's face was covered in third degree burns. Since the burns are fresh, she had to wrap her face this morning. Kaname smiled sadly.

"'re still breathing and you're alive!" she chirped. "That must mean that Bakugou guy has some type of restraint, right?"

Reina sighs again, ignoring the girl's question. The teal haired girl sighed and looked up. She noticed a crowd of paparazzi in front of U.A's entrance. She blinked. "I wonder what going on?" she asks herself. She looked over to the Afro-Japanese girl, who had disappeared from her side and into the crowd of paparazzi. "Gah! Reina!" she exclaims, watching the girl disappear into the crowd. Kaname sighs and places her hands on her hips. 'I know she's upset...but she really needs to pay attention to her surroundings.' she thought.

-in Class 1-A-

"Decent work on your combat training, you guys." The black haired teacher congratulated the students. "I saw the video feed and I went over each one of your results." he states, placing a stack of papers on the desk in front of him and looks over at the ash blond. 

"Bakugou." he says. The boy's red eyes wander to his teacher and winces. "You're talented. So don't go sulking about your loss, okay?" Aizawa says. Bakugou's red eyes wandered off for a bit and then back to his teacher. "Whatever..." he mumbles. "And Midoriya, I see that the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder and don't give the excuse of your not able to control your quirk. That line is already getting old." the black haired hero says. The green haired boy stared down at his lap. "You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be useful if you could get a handle on it." Aizawa finishes. Izuku's green eyes lit up as he looked up at Aizawa with a smile. "So, show a little urgency." the her states. The young boy nods and instantly changes his facial expression.

The black haired teacher's eyes wandered over to the pink haired girl. "Shimizu." he says, grabbing her attention. The girl's golden eyes wandered up to her teacher. "Even though you were injured the most out of the training, you were still able to use your quirk as much as possible. But, you have to train much harder since you're only able to do so much." Aizawa states, looming his eyes over Reina's results. The pink haired girl nodded and looked down at her desk. She could feel a pair of eyes on her, but she choose to ignore that feeling. 

"Let's get down to business. The next task will decide your future." Mr. Aizawa states. This caused the students to wonder if it was another quirk test. "...You all need to pick a class representative." Aizawa finishes. A wave of relief covered the classroom. Out of the blue, Eijirou stands up with his hands in the air. "Pick me guys, I wanna be the class rep!" he exclaims. Denki rose his hand. "I'll take it." he says. Jirou, the girl next to him, rose her hand. "Yeah, you're gonna need me." she states. Yuugo poses. "Someone with style should be best!" he says before Mina pushed him out the way. "I would be the right pick!" she exclaims, waving her arms. Reina couldn't help but smile. She felt like this was the most normal thing they could've done. She watched as each of her classmates debate on being class rep. Before the golden eyes girl could do anything, Iida spoke up.

"Everyone! Be quiet!" he exclaims, causing everyone to cease talking and look at him. "The class representative's duty is to lead others. It's not just something that anyone can do." he explains. "First, you must have the trust of everyone in the classroom. Therefore, the only way to vote for this decision is democratically." he states. "We will hold an election for out leader." he finishes. Reina stifled a laugh. During his whole speech, the prestigious boy held his hand up the whole time. 'If he wanted the be class rep so bad, he should've said something earlier instead of making a speech.' she thought. 

"Is this really the best idea?" the yellow haired boy asked. 

"We've only know each other for a few days. How do we know who we could trust?" the green haired girl, Tsuyu asks, placing a finger on her chin. The red haired boy in front of her shrugged. "Everyone would just vote for themselves." he states. Iida looks over at him. "Most people will vote for themselves, but whoever receives multiple votes must be the person who is most suitable for the job." he states, looking over to his teacher. "That is the best way, right sir?" he asks Aizawa. The older man, who is now zipped up in his sleeping bag, looks over to his student. "Do what you want. Just do it before my nap's over." he says as her falls over. Iida bows. "Thank you for your trust!" he says.

Several minutes later, the results were in! In first place happened to be Izuku! The green haired boy was shocked. "What?! Four votes?!" he says incredulously. The ash blond next to him slams his hands on his desk before standing up. "Okay you idiots! Who voted for him?!" he yells. The boy next to him, Hanta looks up at him. "What? Did you actually expect someone to vote for you?" he snickers. The pink haired girl laughed at the boy's question. "Well, I have you know, I voted for Izu!" she says. The blond haired boy looked over at the laughing girl. "WHAT?!" the blond roars. Reina smirks. "I wouldn't vote for someone that gave me third degree burns." she spat, pointing at her bandaged up face. The young boy growled and plopped back down in his seat angrily. The tension between Reina and Katsuki thickened. Izuku laughed nervously as everyone else laughed at their exchange. Iida however, gripped his desk. "Zero votes.." he says, shaking. "I feared this might happen...but I can't argue with the system that I chose." he mutters. The pink haired girl looked over at the prestigious boy. "Iida, you voted for someone other than yourself?" she wondered out loud. "But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right? What were you trying to prove, Iida?" Sato asked. Before Iida could say anything, Aizawa woke up.

"Alright, so our class representative is Midoriya and our WD is Yaoyorozu." he states. As Midoriya stood up, he shook. "R-really? It's not a mistake?" he asks, staring at everyone. Yaoyorozu sighs. "How'd this happened.." she mutters. The bandaged up girl shrugged her shoulders. "I like this duo." she says. "Yeah, this might not be so bad." Tsuyu says with a finger on her chin. "Yeah, I can get by with Midoriya, I guess." Eijirou states. "Yaoyorozu was totally on point when it came to our training results." Denki says. 

-Time Skip: Lunch-

The pink haired sipped her apple juice as she threw her lunch scraps away. "Man, that was good." she sighed happily. A body hovered over her, causing her golden eyes to look up. Her eyes stared into red ones. She placed a hand in her pocket and walked in the opposite direction, only for her arm to get grabbed. 

"I'll scream 'rape' if you don't let go."

"Who would want to rape someone with no ass?" the blond snorts. Reina rolled her eyes. "What do you want anyway? Come to bruise me up more?" she asked. Bakugou scowled down at the girl. "Y'know, if you'd told me where that nerd was, then your ass wouldn't be all banged up." he spat. Before the bandaged up girl could say something, a voice spoke up.

"Well, if you shown some restraint, then she would've been fine." the voice said. The blond turned around and saw the teal haired girl. The pink haired girl blinked. "Kaname.." she said. The orange eyed teen walked over and pushed Bakugou aside. She immediately grabbed Reina. She stared up at Bakugou angrily. 

"People like you done't deserve to be a hero." 

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